Lao Zi Dao De Jing - Traditional Characters

Lao 老 (old)

Zi 子 (child)

Dao 道 (way)

Virtue 德

Scripture 經 [经]

The Dao De Jing was written by LaoZi (老子) 2500 years ago.

Translation by


Joe Wells

第一章 Chapter 1  

road 道 dào​ (Way)

able-to 可 kě​

travel 道 dào​ (Way)

not-to-be 非 fēi​

always 常 cháng​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

name 名 míng​

able-to 可 kě​

name 名 míng​

not-to-be 非 fēi​

always 常 cháng​

Name 名 míng​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

Name 名 míng​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-earth 地 dì (earth)

they 之 zhī​ (it)

began 始 shǐ​ (beginning)

having 有 yǒu​

Name 名 míng​

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

they 之 zhī​ (it)

mothered 母 mǔ​ (mother)

therefore 故 gù​

always 常 cháng​

without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

want 欲 yù​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

observe 觀 [观] guàn​

their 其 qí​

wonders 妙 miào​

always 常 cháng​

having 有 yǒu​

want 欲 yù​

in-order-to 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

observe 觀 [观] guàn​

their 其 qí​

boundaries 徼 jiǎo​

these 此 cǐ​ (this)

both 兩 [两] liǎng​

one-who 者 zhě​

joined-together 同 tóng​ (join-together)

go-out 出 chū​

and-yet 而 ér​

different 異 [异] yì​

names 名 míng​ (Name)

joined-together 同 tóng​ (join-together)

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

the 之 zhī​ (it)

mystery 玄 xuán​

mystery 玄 xuán​

of-the 之 zhī​ (it)

again 又 yòu​ (once-again)

mystery 玄 xuán​

many 眾 [众] zhòng (many-people)zhòng

wonders 妙 miào​

of-the 之 zhī​ (it)

gate 門 [门] mén​

第二章 Chapter 2  

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

everyone 皆 jiē​

knows 知 zhī​ (know)

delightful 美 měi​ (delight)

its 之 zhī​ (it)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

delightful 美 měi​ (delight)

then 斯 sī​ (thus)

ugly 惡 [恶] ě​ (repulse)

already 已 yǐ​ (already-now)

everyone 皆 jiē​

knows 知 zhī​ (know)

good 善 shàn​

its 之 zhī​ (it)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

good 善 shàn​

then 斯 sī​ (thus)

not 不 bù​

good 善 shàn​

already 已 yǐ​ (already-now)

therefore 故 gù​

having 有 yǒu​

and-not-having 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

each-other 相 xiāng​

bring-to-life 生 shēng​ (life)

difficult 難 [难] nán​

and-easy 易 yì​ (easy)

each-other 相 xiāng​

complete 成 chéng​

last-long 長 [长] cháng​

and-brief 短 duǎn​ (brief)

each-other 相 xiāng​

form 形 xíng​ (shape)

higher 高 gāo​

and-lower 下 xià​ (below)

each-other 相 xiāng​

lean-on 傾 [倾] qīng​ (lean)

sounds 音 yīn​

and-voice 聲 [声] shēng​ (voice)

each-other 相 xiāng​

harmonize 和 hé​

ahead 前 qián​

and-behind 後 [后] hòu​ (behind)

each-other 相 xiāng​

follow 隨 [随] suí​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

resides-with 處 [处] chǔ​ (reside-with)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

their 之 zhī​ (it)

work 事 shì​

taking-steps 行 háng​ (take-steps)

not 不 bù​

speaking 言 yán​ (speech)

as 之 zhī​ (it)

teaching 教 jiào​

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

working 作 zuò​

there 焉 yān​ (where)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

quitting 辭 [辞] cí​ (resign)

bringing-to-life 生 shēng​ (life)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

having 有 yǒu​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

depending-on 恃 shì​ (depend-on)

achievements 功 gōng​ (achievement)

complete 成 chéng​

and-yet 而 ér​

do-not 弗 fú​

sit-with 居 jū​

man 夫 fū​

only-if 唯 wéi​

do-not 弗 fú​

sit-with 居 jū​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

not 不 bù​

leave-from 去 qù​

第三章 Chapter 3  

not 不 bù​

upholding 尚 shàng​

worthy-person 賢 [贤] xián​


causes 使 shǐ​ (cause)

people 民 mín​

not 不 bù​

contend 爭 [争] zhēng​

not 不 bù​

valuing 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

difficult 難 [难] nán​

to-obtain 得 dé​ (obtain)

their 之 zhī​ (it)

money 貨 [货] huò​


causes 使 shǐ​ (cause)

people 民 mín​

not 不 bù​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

thief 盜 [盗] dào​ (steal)

not 不 bù​

see 見 [见] jiàn​

able-to 可 kě​

want 欲 yù​


causes 使 shǐ​ (cause)

peoples 民 mín​ (people)

heart 心 xīn​

not 不 bù​

confused 亂 [乱] luàn​ (confusion)

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

they 之 zhī​ (it)

bring-order 治 zhì​

empty 虛 [虚] xū​

their 其 qí​

heart 心 xīn​

make-solid 實 [实] shí​ (solid)

their 其 qí​

belly 腹 fù​

weaken 弱 ruò​ (weak)

their 其 qí​

will 志 zhì​

strengthen 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

their 其 qí​

bones 骨 gǔ​

always 常 cháng​


cause 使 shǐ​

people 民 mín​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

know 知 zhī​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

want 欲 yù​


cause 使 shǐ​

man 夫 fū​

knowledgeable 智 zhì​ (knowledge)

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

dare 敢 gǎn​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

also 也 yě​ (álso)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

act 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

not 不 bù​

bring-order 治 zhì​

第四章 Chapter 4  

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

rinses-with-water 沖 [冲] chōng​ (rinse)

and-yet 而 ér​

reuses 用 yòng​ (use)

it 之 zhī​

maybe 或 huò​

not 不 bù​

surplus 盈 yíng​

deep-water 淵 [渊] yuān​

much 兮 xī​

describe-as 似 sì​

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creature 物 wù​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

ancestor 宗 zōng​

bend-back 挫 cuò​

their 其 qí​

sharp-point 銳 [锐] ruì​

untie 解 xiè​

their 其 qí​

tangle 紛 [纷] fēn​

harmonize 和 hé​

their 其 qí​

intellegence 光 guāng​ (bright)

join-together 同 tóng​

their 其 qí​

dust 塵 [尘] chén​

clear-water 湛 zhàn​

much 兮 xī​

describe-as 似 sì​

maybe 或 huò​

exists 存 cún​

I 吾 wú​

not 不 bù​

know 知 zhī​

who 誰 [谁] shéi​ (whose)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

child 子 zǐ​

image-of 象 xiàng​ (image)

the-emperor 帝 dì​ (emperor)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

in-front 先 xiān​ (first-and-before)

第五章 Chapter 5  

heaven 天 tiān​

and-earth 地 dì (earth)

not 不 bù​

humane 仁 rén​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

straw 芻 [刍] chú​

dog 狗 gǒu​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

not 不 bù​

humane 仁 rén​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

hundred 百 bǎi

families 姓 xìng

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

straw 芻 [刍] chú​

dog 狗 gǒu​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-earth 地 dì (earth)

the 之 zhī​ (it)

space-between 間 [间] jiān

them 其 qí​ (their)

acts-like 猶 [犹] yóu​ (act-like)

bellows 橐 tuó​

bamboo-flute 籥 yuè​

doesn't-it? 乎 hū​ (?)

empty 虛 [虚] xū​

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

bending 屈 qū​

moving 動 [动] dòng​ (move)

and-yet 而 ér​

evermore 愈 yù​

go-out 出 chū​

more 多 duō​

speech 言 yán​

again-and-again 數 [数] shǔ​ (repeatedly)

exhausts 窮 [穷] qióng​ (exhausted)

not 不 bù​

like 如 rú​

keeping-to 守 shǒu​ (keep-to)

center 中 zhōng​

第六章 Chapter 6  

valley 谷 gǔ​

of-lively-spirit 神 shén​ (lively-spirit)

not 不 bù​

dead 死 sǐ​ (die)

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

mystery 玄 xuán​

female 牝 pìn​

mystery 玄 xuán​

female 牝 pìn​

of-the 之 zhī​ (it)

gate 門 [门] mén​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-earth's 地 dì (earth)

root 根 gēn​


soft 綿 [绵] mián


soft 綿 [绵] mián

as-if 若 ruò​

exists 存 cún​

using 用 yòng​ (use)

it 之 zhī​

not 不 bù​

hard-work 勤 qín​

第七章 Chapter 7  

heaven 天 tiān​

lasts-long 長 [长] cháng​ (last-long)

earth 地 dì

long-time 久 jiǔ​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-earth's 地 dì (earth)

place 所 suǒ​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

capable-of 能 néng​

last-long 長 [长] cháng​

furthermore 且 qiě​

long-time 久 jiǔ​

one-who 者 zhě​

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

their 其 qí​

not 不 bù​

oneself 自 zì​

live 生 shēng​ (life)

therefore 故 gù​

capable-of 能 néng​

long-time 長 [长] cháng​ (last-long)

live 生 shēng​ (life)

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

behind 後 [后] hòu​

their 其 qí​

body 身 shēn​

and-yet 而 ér​

body 身 shēn​

in-front 先 xiān​ (first-and-before)

outside 外 wài​

their 其 qí​

body 身 shēn​

and-yet 而 ér​

body 身 shēn​

exists 存 cún​

not-to-be 非 fēi​

so-that 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

their 其 qí​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

private-self 私 sī​

unnaturally 邪 xié (naturally-wrong)

so-that 故 gù​ (therefore)

capable-of 能 néng​

complete 成 chéng​

their 其 qí​

self 私 sī​ (private-self)

第八章 Chapter 8  

higher 上 shǎng​ (above)

good 善 shàn​

as-if 若 ruò​

water 水 shuǐ​

water 水 shuǐ​

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

benefiting 利 lì​ (benefit)

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

contending 爭 [争] zhēng​ (contend)

residing-with 處 [处] chǔ​ (reside-with)

many 眾 [众] zhòng (many-people)

person 人 rén​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

place-of 所 suǒ​ (place)

ugliness 惡 [恶] ě​ (repulse)

therefore 故 gù​

how-far-away 幾 [几] jī​ (how-near)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

Dao? 道 dào​ (Way)

sitting-with 居 jū​ (sit-with)

good 善 shàn​

earth 地 dì

heart 心 xīn​

good 善 shàn​

deep-water 淵 [渊] yuān​

along-side 與 [与] yú​

good 善 shàn​

humanity 仁 rén​ (humane)

speech 言 yán​

good 善 shàn​

truth 信 xìn​ (true)

bringing-upright 正 zhēng​ (upright)

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

bringing-order 治 zhì​ (bring-order)

work 事 shì​

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

being-capable 能 néng​ (capable-of)

movement 動 [动] dòng​ (move)

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

making-time 時 [时] shí​ (time)

man 夫 fū​

only-if 唯 wéi​

not 不 bù​

contend 爭 [争] zhēng​

therefore 故 gù​

without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

fault 尤 yóu​

第九章 Chapter 9  

to-hold 持 chí​

and-yet 而 ér​

add-to-surplus 盈 yíng​ (surplus)

its 之 zhī​ (it)

not 不 bù​

like 如 rú​

their 其 qí​

self-restrained 己 jǐ​ (self)

striking-much 揣 chuāi​ (handle-much)

and-yet 而 ér​

sharp-point 銳 [锐] ruì​

its 之 zhī​ (it)

not 不 bù​

able-to 可 kě​

last-long 長 [长] cháng​

maintain 保 bǎo​

gold 金 jīn

and-jade 玉 yù​ (jade)


packed-full 滿 [满] mǎn (pack-full)

main-hall 堂 táng

none-who 莫 mò​

they 之 zhī​ (it)

capable-of 能 néng​

keeping 守 shǒu​ (keep-to)

wealthy 富 fù​

and-valued 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

and-yet 而 ér​

arrogant 驕 [骄] jiāo​

oneself 自 zì​

leaves-behind 遺 [遗] yí​ (leave-behind)

their 其 qí​

blame 咎 jiù​

achievements 功 gōng​ (achievement)

fulfilled 遂 suì​ (fulfill)

body 身 shēn​


retreats 退 tuì​ (retreat)

heaven 天 tiān​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

第十章 Chapter 10  

carrying 載 [载] zǎi​ (carry)

and-sustaining 營 [营] yíng​ (sustain)

soul 魄 pò​

embracing 抱 bào​ (embrace)

oneness 一 yī​ (one)

capable-of 能 néng​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

separate-from 離 [离] lí​

? 乎 hū​

taking-control-of 專 [专] zhuān​ (take-control-of)

vital-energy 氣 [气] qì​ (chi)

acquiring 致 zhì​ (acquire)

flexibility 柔 róu​ (yielding)

capable-of 能 néng​

like 如 rú​

infant 嬰 [婴] yīng

child 兒 [儿] ér

? 乎 hū​

cleansing 滌 [涤] di (cleanse)

wiping-away 除 chú​ (wipe-away)

mystery 玄 xuán​

and-inspecting 覽 [览] lǎn​ (inspect)

capable-of 能 néng​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

defect 疵 cī​

? 乎 hū​

loving 愛 [爱] ài​ (love)

the-nation 國 [国] guó​ (nation)

bringing-order-to 治 zhì​ (bring-order)

the-people 民 mín​ (people)

capable-of 能 néng​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

act 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

? 乎 hū​

heavens 天 tiān​ (heaven)

gate 門 [门] mén​

opens 開 [开] kāi​ (open)

side-door 闔 [阖] hé​

capable-of 能 néng​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

feminine 雌 cí​

? 乎 hū​

enlightenment 明 míng​ (enlighten)

bright-white 白 bái​ (white)

all-four-directions 四 sì​ (four)

attained 達 [达] dá​ (attain)

capable-of 能 néng​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

know 知 zhī​

? 乎 hū​

bringing-to-life 生 shēng​ (life)

it 之 zhī​

nourishing 畜 chù​ (nourish)

it 之 zhī​

bringing-to-life 生 shēng​ (life)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

having 有 yǒu​

acting 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

depending-on 恃 shì​ (depend-on)

lasting-long 長 [长] cháng​ (last-long)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

oppressing 宰 zǎi​ (oppress)

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

mystery 玄 xuán​

virtue 德 dé​

第十一章 Chapter 11  

three 三 sān​

tens 十 shí​ (ten)

spokes 幅 fú (cloth-length)

together-with 共 gòng​

one 一 yī​

wheel-hub 轂 [毂] gū​

just-by 當 [当] dāng​ (just)

the 其 qí​ (their)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

having 有 yǒu​

cart 車 [车] chē​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

use 用 yòng​

mix-clay 埏 shān​

pottery 埴 zhí​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

vessel 器 qì​

just-by 當 [当] dāng​ (just)

the 其 qí​ (their)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

having 有 yǒu​

vessel 器 qì​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

use 用 yòng​

chisel 鑿 [凿] záo​

door 戶 [户] hù​

and-window 牖 yǒu​ (window)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

room 室 shì​

just-by 當 [当] dāng​ (just)

the 其 qí​ (their)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

having 有 yǒu​

room 室 shì​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

use 用 yòng​

therefore 故 gù​

having 有 yǒu​

it 之 zhī​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

benefitial 利 lì​ (benefit)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

it 之 zhī​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

useful 用 yòng​ (use)

第十二章 Chapter 12  

five 五 wǔ

colors 色 sè

cause 令 líng​ (cause-of)

person's 人 rén​ (person)

eye 目 mù​

blind 盲 máng

five 五 wǔ

sounds 音 yīn​

cause 令 líng​ (cause-of)

person's 人 rén​ (person)

ear 耳 ěr

deaf 聾 [聋] lóng

five 五 wǔ

tastes 味 wèi​ (taste)

cause 令 líng​ (cause-of)

person's 人 rén​ (person)

mouth 口 kǒu​

overwhelmed 爽 shuǎng​ (overexcited)

galloping 馳 [驰] chí (gallop)

running-around 騁 [骋] cheng (run)

hunting 畋 tián (hunt)

searching 獵 [猎] liè (hunting)

causes 令 líng​ (cause-of)

persons 人 rén​ (person)

heart 心 xīn​

ignite 發 [发] fā​

crazy 狂 kuáng

the-difficult 難 [难] nán​ (difficult)

to-obtain 得 dé​ (obtain)

the 之 zhī​ (it)

money 貨 [货] huò​

causes 令 líng​ (cause-of)

person 人 rén​

take-steps 行 háng​

hinder 妨 fáng​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

acts-for 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

belly 腹 fù​

not 不 bù​

acts-for 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

eye 目 mù​

therefore 故 gù​

leave 去 qù​ (leave-from)

those 彼 bǐ​

take 取 qǔ​

these 此 cǐ​ (this)

第十三章 Chapter 13  

honored 寵 [宠] chǒng​ (honor)

and-disgraced 辱 rǔ​ (disgrace)

as-if 若 ruò​

surprised 驚 [惊] jīng​

valued 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

and-great 大 dà​ (great)

worry 患 huàn​

as-if 若 ruò​

the-body 身 shēn​ (body)

why 何 hé​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

honored 寵 [宠] chǒng​ (honor)

and-disgraced 辱 rǔ​ (disgrace)

as-if 若 ruò​

surprised? 驚 [惊] jīng​ (surprised)

honor 寵 [宠] chǒng​

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

below 下 xià​

obtain 得 dé​

it 之 zhī​

as-if 若 ruò​

surprised 驚 [惊] jīng​

lose 失 shī​

it 之 zhī​

as-if 若 ruò​

surprised 驚 [惊] jīng​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

honored 寵 [宠] chǒng​ (honor)

and-disgraced 辱 rǔ​ (disgrace)

as-if 若 ruò​

surprised 驚 [惊] jīng​

why 何 hé​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

valued 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

and-great 大 dà​ (great)

worry 患 huàn​

as-if 若 ruò​

the-body? 身 shēn​ (body)

I 吾 wú​

in-a-place 所 suǒ​ (place)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

having 有 yǒu​

great 大 dà​

worry 患 huàn​

one-who 者 zhě​

acting-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

I 吾 wú​

have 有 yǒu​ (having)

a-body 身 shēn​ (body)

reaching-where 及 jí​ (reach)

I 吾 wú​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

a-body 身 shēn​ (body)

I 吾 wú​

have 有 yǒu​ (having)

why 何 hé​

worry? 患 huàn​ (worry)

therefore 故 gù​

valued 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

body 身 shēn​

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

as-if 若 ruò​

able-to 可 kě​

take-shelter-in 寄 jì​ (take-shelter)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

loved 愛 [爱] ài​ (love)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

body 身 shēn​

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

as-if 若 ruò​

able-to 可 kě​

enstrust 託 [托] tuō​ (entrust)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

第十四章 Chapter 14  

look-at 視 [视] shì​ (look)

it 之 zhī​

not 不 bù​

seen 見 [见] jiàn​ (see)

Name 名 míng​

to-say 曰 yuē​

smooth 夷 yí​

listen-for 聽 [听] tīng​ (listen)

it 之 zhī​

not 不 bù​

heard 聞 [闻] wén​ (hear)

Name 名 míng​

to-say 曰 yuē​

rare 希 xī​

grab-at 摶 [抟] tuán

it 之 zhī​

not 不 bù​

obtain 得 dé​

Name 名 míng​

to-say 曰 yuē​

tiny 微 wēi​

these 此 cǐ​ (this)

three 三 sān​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

able-to 可 kě​

acquire 致 zhì​

question 詰 [诘] jié​

therefore 故 gù​

blended-together 混 hún​ (mix-up)

and 而 ér​ (and-yet)

acting-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

one 一 yī​

their 其 qí​

above 上 shǎng​

not 不 bù​

brightness 皦 jiǎo​

their 其 qí​

below 下 xià​

not 不 bù​

darkness 昧 mèi​

rope 繩 [绳] shéng​

rope 繩 [绳] shéng​

not 不 bù​

able-to 可 kě​

Name 名 míng​

again 復 [复] fù​

return 歸 [归] guī​

with 於 [于] yú​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

creature 物 wù​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

form 狀 [状] zhuàng​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

form 狀 [状] zhuàng​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

creature 物 wù​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

image 象 xiàng​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

indistinct 惚 hū​

seemingly 恍 huǎng​

greet 迎 yíng​

it 之 zhī​

not 不 bù​

see 見 [见] jiàn​

its 其 qí​ (their)

head 首 shǒu​

follow 隨 [随] suí​

it 之 zhī​

not 不 bù​

see 見 [见] jiàn​

its 其 qí​ (their)

behind 後 [后] hòu​

grasp 執 [执] zhí​

ancient 古 gǔ​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

resist 御 yù​

the-now 今 jīn​ (now)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

having 有 yǒu​

capable-of 能 néng​

know 知 zhī​

ancients 古 gǔ​ (ancient)

beginnings 始 shǐ​ (beginning)

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

history 紀 [纪] jì​

第十五章 Chapter 15  

ancient 古 gǔ​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

good 善 shàn​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

scholar 士 shì​

one-who 者 zhě​

tiny 微 wēi​

wonder 妙 miào​ (wonders)

mystery 玄 xuán​

know-well 通 tōng​

deep 深 shēn​

not 不 bù​

able-to 可 kě​

understand 識 [识] shí​

man 夫 fū​

only-if 唯 wéi​

not 不 bù​

able-to-be 可 kě​ (able-to)

understood 識 [识] shí​ (understand)

therefore 故 gù​

strongly 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

act-on 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

their 之 zhī​ (it)

appearance 容 róng​ (appear)

happy 豫 yù​

much 兮 xī​

as-if 若 ruò​

wintertime 冬 dōng​ (winter)

wading-through 涉 shè​ (wade)

river 川 chuān​

acting-like 猶 [犹] yóu​ (act-like)

much 兮 xī​

as-if 若 ruò​

fearing 畏 wèi​ (fear)

all-four 四 sì​ (four)

neighbors 鄰 [邻] lín (neighbor)

respectful 儼 [俨] yǎn​

much 兮 xī​

their 其 qí​

as-if 若 ruò​

appearing 容 róng​ (appear)

and-vanishing 渙 [涣] huàn​ (vanish)

much 兮 xī​

as-if 若 ruò​

ice 冰 bīng​

it 之 zhī​

would 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

explain 釋 [释] shì​

simple 敦 dūn​

much 兮 xī​

their 其 qí​

as-if 若 ruò​

uncarved-wood 樸 [朴] pǔ​

wide-and-empty 曠 [旷] kuàng​

much 兮 xī​

their 其 qí​

as-if 若 ruò​

valley 谷 gǔ​

mixed-up 混 hún​ (mix-up)

much 兮 xī​

their 其 qí​

as-if 若 ruò​

muddy 濁 [浊] zhuó​

tranquil 澹 tán​

much 兮 xī​

their 其 qí​

as-if 若 ruò​

the-sea 海 hǎi​ (sea)

high-winds 飂 liáo​

much 兮 xī​

as-if 若 ruò​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

stopping-point 止 zhǐ​ (stop)

who 孰 shú​

capable-of 能 néng​

being-muddy 濁 [浊] zhuó​ (muddy)

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

calmness 靜 [静] jìng​ (calm)

it 之 zhī​

slowly 徐 xú​

purifies 清 qīng​ (pure)

who 孰 shú​

capable-of 能 néng​

being-peaceful 安 ān​ (peaceful)

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

movement 動 [动] dòng​ (move)

it 之 zhī​

slowly 徐 xú​

comes-to-life 生 shēng​ (life)

maintaining 保 bǎo​ (maintain)

these 此 cǐ​ (this)

ways 道 dào​ (Way)

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

wanting 欲 yù​ (want)

to-have-extra 盈 yíng​ (surplus)

man 夫 fū​

only-if 唯 wéi​

not 不 bù​

having-extra 盈 yíng​ (surplus)

therefore 故 gù​

capable-of 能 néng​

being-shielded 蔽 bì​ (shield-from)

and 而 ér​ (and-yet)

renewed 新 xīn​ (renew)

成 chéng​ (complete)

第十六章 Chapter 16  

acquire 致 zhì​

emptyness 虛 [虚] xū​ (empty)

extreme 極 [极] jí​

keep-to 守 shǒu​

calm 靜 [静] jìng​

sincerety 篤 [笃] dǔ​ (sincere)

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

stand-together 並 [并] bìng​

working 作 zuò​

I 吾 wú​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

observe 觀 [观] guàn​

again 復 [复] fù​

man 夫 fū​

creature 物 wù​

Rue-flower 芸 yún

Rue-flower 芸 yún

all-each 各 gè​

again 復 [复] fù​

return-to 歸 [归] guī​ (return)

their 其 qí​

root 根 gēn​

return-to 歸 [归] guī​ (return)

root 根 gēn​

is-to-say 曰 yuē​ (to-say)

calm 靜 [静] jìng​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

again 復 [复] fù​

destiny 命 mìng​

again 復 [复] fù​

destiny 命 mìng​

is-to-say 曰 yuē​ (to-say)

forever 常 cháng​ (always)

know 知 zhī​

forever 常 cháng​ (always)

is-to-say 曰 yuē​ (to-say)

enlightened 明 míng​ (enlighten)

not 不 bù​

know 知 zhī​

forever 常 cháng​ (always)

foolish 妄 wàng​

work 作 zuò​ (working)

unfortunate 凶 xiōng​

know 知 zhī​

forever 常 cháng​ (always)

appear 容 róng​

appear 容 róng​

only-then 乃 nǎi​

public-official 公 gōng​

public-official 公 gōng​

only-then 乃 nǎi​

whole 全 quán​

whole 全 quán​

only-then 乃 nǎi​

heaven 天 tiān​

heaven 天 tiān​

only-then 乃 nǎi​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

only-then 乃 nǎi​

long-time-last 久 jiǔ​ (long-time)

sinking 沒 [没] méi​ (sink)

body 身 shēn​

not 不 bù​

endangered 殆 dài​ (endanger)

第十七章 Chapter 17  

greatest 太 tài​

above 上 shǎng​

below 下 xià​

knows 知 zhī​ (know)

having 有 yǒu​

them 之 zhī​ (it)

the 其 qí​ (their)

next-lacking 次 cì

favorite-relative 親 [亲] qīn​

and 而 ér​ (and-yet)

praises 譽 [誉] yù​ (praise)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

the 其 qí​ (their)

next-lacking 次 cì

fears 畏 wèi​ (fear)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

the 其 qí​ (their)

next-lacking 次 cì

insults 侮 wǔ​ (insult)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

truth 信 xìn​ (true)

not 不 bù​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

where 焉 yān​

having 有 yǒu​

non 不 bù​ (not)

truth 信 xìn​ (true)

where 焉 yān​

drawn-out 悠 yōu​

much 兮 xī​

their 其 qí​

valued 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

speech 言 yán​

achievements 功 gōng​ (achievement)

complete 成 chéng​

work 事 shì​

fulfilled 遂 suì​ (fulfill)

a-hundred 百 bǎi (hundred)

families 姓 xìng

everyone 皆 jiē​

calls 謂 [谓] wèi​ (called)

me 我 wǒ​ (myself)

oneself 自 zì​

so-true 然 rán​

第十八章 Chapter 18  

great 大 dà​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

eliminated 廢 [废] fèi​ (eliminate)

having 有 yǒu​

humanity 仁 rén​ (humane)

and-justice 義 [义] yì​ (justice)

intelligence 慧 huì

and-knowledge 智 zhì​ (knowledge)

goes-away 出 chū​ (go-out)

having 有 yǒu​

great 大 dà​

fakeness 偽 [伪] wěi​ (fake)

six 六 liù

favorite-relatives 親 [亲] qīn​ (favorite-relative)

not 不 bù​

harmonized 和 hé​ (harmonize)

having 有 yǒu​

filial-piety 孝 xiào​

and-motherly-love 慈 cí​ (motherly-love)

nation 國 [国] guó​

and-home 家 jiā​ (home)

dazed 昏 hūn​

and-confused 亂 [乱] luàn​ (confusion)

having 有 yǒu​

loyal 忠 zhōng​

ministers 臣 chén​ (minister)

第十九章 Chapter 19  

cut-short 絕 [绝] jué​

wisdom 聖 [圣] shèng​ (wise)

abandon 棄 [弃] qì​

learning 智 zhì​ (knowledge)

people 民 mín​

benefit 利 lì​

a-hundred 百 bǎi (hundred)

times 倍 bèi

cut-short 絕 [绝] jué​

humanity 仁 rén​ (humane)

abandon 棄 [弃] qì​

justice 義 [义] yì​

people 民 mín​

again 復 [复] fù​

practice-filial-piety 孝 xiào​ (filial-piety)

and-motherly-love 慈 cí​ (motherly-love)

cut-short 絕 [绝] jué​

skill 巧 qiǎo​

and-abandon 棄 [弃] qì​ (abandon)

benefit 利 lì​

stealing- 盜 [盗] dào​ (steal)

thieves 賊 [贼] zéi​ (thief)

without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

having 有 yǒu​

these 此 cǐ​ (this)

three 三 sān​

one-who 者 zhě​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

acting-by 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

writing 文 wén​

not 不 bù​

enough 足 jù​

therefore 故 gù​

cause 令 líng​ (cause-of)

having 有 yǒu​

place 所 suǒ​

of-focus 屬 [属] shǔ (focus)

see 見 [见] jiàn​

the-plain 素 sù​ (plain)

embrace 抱 bào​

the-uncarved-wood 樸 [朴] pǔ​ (uncarved-wood)

reduce 少 shǎo​ (less)

selfishness 私 sī​ (private-self)

decrease 寡 guǎ​ (lacking)

wanting 欲 yù​ (want)

第二十章 Chapter 20  

cut-short 絕 [绝] jué​

learning 學 [学] xué​ (learn)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

grief 憂 [忧] yōu​

only-if-true- 唯 wéi​ (only-if)

ness 之 zhī​ (it)

next-to 與 [与] yú​ (along-side)

flattery 阿 ā​

each-other 相 xiāng​

leave-from 去 qù​

how? 幾 [几] jī​ (how-near)

why? 何 hé​ (why)

good- 善 shàn​ (good)

ness 之 zhī​ (it)

next-to 與 [与] yú​ (along-side)

uglyness 惡 [恶] ě​ (repulse)

each-other 相 xiāng​

leave-from 去 qù​

similar 若 ruò​ (as-if)

why? 何 hé​ (why)

person 人 rén​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

place 所 suǒ​

fearful 畏 wèi​ (fear)

not 不 bù​

able-to 可 kě​

not 不 bù​

fear 畏 wèi​

absurd- 荒 huāng​ (absurd)

much 兮 xī​

they 其 qí​ (their)

not 未 wèi​ (not-yet)

bring-to-an-end 央 yāng (conclude)

! 哉 zāi​

many-persons 眾 [众] zhòng (many-people)

people 人 rén​ (person)

cheerful 熙 xī​

cheerful 熙 xī​

like 如 rú​

enjoying 享 xiǎng​ (enjoy)

greatest 太 tài​

security 牢 láo​ (secure)

like 如 rú​

spring-time 春 chūn​

ascending 登 dēng​ (ascend)

tower 臺 [台] tái​

myself 我 wǒ​

alone 獨 [独] dú​

seek-refuge 泊 bó (at-anchor)

much 兮 xī​

they're 其 qí​ (their)

not-yet 未 wèi​

seeing-sign 兆 zhào​ (see-sign)

like 如 rú​

infant 嬰 [婴] yīng

child 兒 [儿] ér

they're 之 zhī​ (it)

not-yet 未 wèi​

a-child 孩 hái​ (child)

worn 儽 lěi​ (worn-out)

worn 儽 lěi​ (worn-out)

much 兮 xī​

as-if 若 ruò​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

a-place 所 suǒ​ (place)

to-return 歸 [归] guī​ (return)

many 眾 [众] zhòng (many-people)

people 人 rén​ (person)

everyone 皆 jiē​

having 有 yǒu​

excess 餘 [馀] yú​

and-yet 而 ér​

myself 我 wǒ​

alone 獨 [独] dú​

as-if 若 ruò​

leave-it-behind 遺 [遗] yí​ (leave-behind)

第二十一章 Chapter 21  

substantial 孔 kǒng​ (considerable)

virtue 德 dé​

it 之 zhī​

appears 容 róng​ (appear)

but 惟 wéi (nevertheless)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

it-is 是 shì​

coming-afterward 從 [从] cóng​ (through)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

it 之 zhī​

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

creature 物 wù​

but 惟 wéi (nevertheless)

seemingly 恍 huǎng​

but 惟 wéi (nevertheless)

indistinctly 惚 hū​ (indistinct)

indistinct 惚 hū​

much 兮 xī​

seemingly 恍 huǎng​

much 兮 xī​

your 其 qí​ (their)

center 中 zhōng​

having 有 yǒu​

image 象 xiàng​

seemingly 恍 huǎng​

much 兮 xī​

indistinct 惚 hū​

much 兮 xī​

your 其 qí​ (their)

center 中 zhōng​

having 有 yǒu​

creature 物 wù​

obscure 窈 yǎo​

much 兮 xī​

dim 冥 míng​

much 兮 xī​

your 其 qí​ (their)

center 中 zhōng​

having 有 yǒu​

energy 精 jīng​

your 其 qí​ (their)

energy 精 jīng​

super 甚 [什] shén​

genuine 真 zhēn​

your 其 qí​ (their)

center 中 zhōng​

having 有 yǒu​

truth 信 xìn​ (true)

oneself 自 zì​

since-ancient-times 古 gǔ​ (ancient)

reaching 及 jí​ (reach)

now 今 jīn​

your 其 qí​ (their)

Name 名 míng​

not 不 bù​

leave 去 qù​ (leave-from)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

experience 閱 [阅] yuè​

many 眾 [众] zhòng (many-people)

beginnings 甫 fǔ​ (barely-beginning)

I 吾 wú​

why 何 hé​

so 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

know 知 zhī​

many 眾 [众] zhòng (many-people)

beginnings 甫 fǔ​ (barely-beginning)

they 之 zhī​ (it)

take-shape 狀 [状] zhuàng​ (form)

? 哉 zāi​ (!)

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

these 此 cǐ​ (this)

第二十二章 Chapter 22  

incomplete 曲 qū​ (bent)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

made-whole 全 quán​ (whole)

crooked 枉 wǎng​

consequently 則 [则] zé​

straightened 直 zhí​ (straight)

empty 窪 [洼] wā​ (hollow)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

receive-extra 盈 yíng​ (surplus)

shabby 敝 bì

consequently 則 [则] zé​

renewed 新 xīn​ (renew)

reduced 少 shǎo​ (less)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

receiving 得 dé​ (obtain)

adding-more 多 duō​ (more)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

confused 惑 huò​ (confuse)

it-is 是 shì​

thereby 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

embraces 抱 bào​ (embrace)

oneness 一 yī​ (one)

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below's 下 xià​ (below)

model 式 shì​

not 不 bù​

oneself 自 zì​

seeing 見 [见] jiàn​ (see)

therefore 故 gù​

enlightened 明 míng​ (enlighten)

not 不 bù​

oneself 自 zì​

proclaiming 是 shì​ (it-is)

therefore 故 gù​

obvious 彰 zhāng​

not 不 bù​

oneself 自 zì​

cutting-down 伐 fá​ (cut-down)

therefore 故 gù​

having 有 yǒu​

achievement 功 gōng​

not 不 bù​

oneself 自 zì​

boasting 矜 jīn​ (boast)

therefore 故 gù​

lasting-long 長 [长] cháng​ (last-long)

man 夫 fū​

only-if 唯 wéi​

not 不 bù​

contend 爭 [争] zhēng​

therefore 故 gù​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

none-who 莫 mò​

capable-of 能 néng​

along-side 與 [与] yú​

them 之 zhī​ (it)

contend 爭 [争] zhēng​

ancient 古 gǔ​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

Place 所 suǒ​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

incomplete 曲 qū​ (bent)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

made-whole 全 quán​ (whole)

one-who 者 zhě​

what 豈 [岂] kǎi​

empty 虛 [虚] xū​

speech 言 yán​

!? 哉 zāi​ (!)

true-indeed 誠 [诚] chéng​ (true)

made-whole 全 quán​ (whole)

and 而 ér​ (and-yet)

return-to 歸 [归] guī​ (return)

it 之 zhī​

第二十三章 Chapter 23  

rarely 希 xī​ (rare)

speech 言 yán​

oneself 自 zì​

so-true 然 rán​

therefore 故 gù​

cyclone 飄 [飘] piāo

wind 風 [风] fēng

not 不 bù​

all-day 終 [终] zhōng​ (to-the-end)

blow-towards 朝 cháo​ (go-all-day)

frequent 驟 [骤] zhòu

pouring-rain 雨 yǔ (rain)

not 不 bù​

all-day 終 [终] zhōng​ (to-the-end)

every-day 日 rì​ (each-day)

who 孰 shú​

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

this 此 cǐ​

one-who? 者 zhě​ (one-who)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-earth 地 dì (earth)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-earth 地 dì (earth)

sustaining 尚 shàng​ (upholding)

not 不 bù​

capable-of 能 néng​

lasting-long-time 久 jiǔ​ (long-time)

and-yet 而 ér​

what-situation 況 [况] kuàng​ (situation)

with 於 [于] yú​

person 人 rén​

? 乎 hū​

therefore 故 gù​

through 從 [从] cóng​

working 事 shì​ (work)

with 於 [于] yú​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

one-who 者 zhě​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

one-who 者 zhě​

joins-together 同 tóng​ (join-together)

with 於 [于] yú​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

virtuous 德 dé​ (virtue)

one-who 者 zhě​

joins-together 同 tóng​ (join-together)

with 於 [于] yú​

virtue 德 dé​

losing 失 shī​ (lose)

one-who 者 zhě​

joins-together 同 tóng​ (join-together)

with 於 [于] yú​

loss 失 shī​ (lose)

joined-together 同 tóng​ (join-together)

with 於 [于] yú​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

one-who 者 zhě​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

also 亦 yì​

happy-to 樂 [乐] lè​ (enjoy)

acquire 得 dé​ (obtain)

it 之 zhī​

joined-together 同 tóng​ (join-together)

with 於 [于] yú​

virtue 德 dé​

one-who 者 zhě​

virtue 德 dé​

also 亦 yì​

happy-to 樂 [乐] lè​ (enjoy)

acquire 得 dé​ (obtain)

it 之 zhī​

joined-together 同 tóng​ (join-together)

with 於 [于] yú​

loss 失 shī​ (lose)

one-who 者 zhě​

loss 失 shī​ (lose)

with 於 [于] yú​

happy-to 樂 [乐] lè​ (enjoy)

acquire 得 dé​ (obtain)

it 之 zhī​

truth 信 xìn​ (true)

not 不 bù​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

where 焉 yān​

having 有 yǒu​

non 不 bù​ (not)

truth 信 xìn​ (true)

there 焉 yān​ (where)

第二十四章 Chapter 24  

tiptoeing 企 qǐ​ (tiptoe)

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

stand 立 lì​

straddling 跨 kuà​ (straddle)

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

take-steps 行 háng​

oneself 自 zì​

see 見 [见] jiàn​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

enlightened 明 míng​ (enlighten)

oneself 自 zì​

justifying 是 shì​ (it-is)

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

obvious 彰 zhāng​

oneself 自 zì​

cutting-down 伐 fá​ (cut-down)

one-who 者 zhě​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

achievement 功 gōng​

oneself 自 zì​

boasting 矜 jīn​ (boast)

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

last-long 長 [长] cháng​

those 其 qí​ (their)

being-with 在 zài​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

also 也 yě​ (álso)

say 曰 yuē​ (to-say)

excess 餘 [馀] yú​

food 食 shí​

lumpy 贅 [赘] zhuì​ (excess-flesh)

shape 形 xíng​

creature 物 wù​

maybe 或 huò​

repulsed-by 惡 [恶] ě​ (repulse)

it 之 zhī​

therefore 故 gù​

having 有 yǒu​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

reside-with 處 [处] chǔ​

第二十五章 Chapter 25  

having 有 yǒu​

creature 物 wù​

chaos 混 hún​ (mix-up)

complete 成 chéng​

before 先 xiān​ (first-and-before)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-earth 地 dì (earth)

came-to-life 生 shēng​ (life)

silent 寂 jì​

much 兮 xī​

deserted 寥 liáo​

much 兮 xī​

alone 獨 [独] dú​

standing 立 lì​ (stand)

not 不 bù​

altering 改 gǎi​ (alter)

all-around 周 zhōu​

taking-steps 行 háng​ (take-steps)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

endangering 殆 dài​ (endanger)

able-to 可 kě​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

to-act-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below's 下 xià​ (below)

Mother 母 mǔ​

I 吾 wú​

not 不 bù​

know 知 zhī​

its 其 qí​ (their)

Name 名 míng​

forced-to 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

make-word-for 字 zì (word)

it 之 zhī​

to-say 曰 yuē​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

forced-to 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

act-describe 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

it 之 zhī​

Name 名 míng​

to-say 曰 yuē​

great 大 dà​

great 大 dà​

to-say 曰 yuē​

departed 逝 shì​ (depart)

departed 逝 shì​ (depart)

to-say 曰 yuē​

distant 遠 [远] yuǎn​

distant 遠 [远] yuǎn​

to-say 曰 yuē​

returning 反 fǎn​ (reverse)

therefore 故 gù​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

great 大 dà​

heaven 天 tiān​

great 大 dà​

earth 地 dì

great 大 dà​

people 人 rén​ (person)

also 亦 yì​

great 大 dà​

region 域 yù​

center 中 zhōng​

having 有 yǒu​

four 四 sì​

greats 大 dà​ (great)

and-yet 而 ér​

people 人 rén​ (person)

sit-with 居 jū​

the 其 qí​ (their)

one 一 yī​

there 焉 yān​ (where)

people 人 rén​ (person)

follow-plan-of 法 fǎ​ (follow-plan)

earth 地 dì

earth 地 dì

follows-plan-of 法 fǎ​ (follow-plan)

heaven 天 tiān​

heaven 天 tiān​

follows-plan-of 法 fǎ​ (follow-plan)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

follows-plan-of 法 fǎ​ (follow-plan)

oneself 自 zì​

so-true 然 rán​

第二十六章 Chapter 26  

heavyness 重 chóng​ (heavy)

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

lightness's 輕 [轻] qīng​ (light)

root 根 gēn​

calmness 靜 [静] jìng​ (calm)

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

agitation's 躁 zào​ (agitation)

ruler 君 jūn​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

ruling 君 jūn​ (ruler)

child 子 zǐ​

to-the-end 終 [终] zhōng​

each-day 日 rì​

take-steps 行 háng​

not 不 bù​

dividing 離 [离] lí​ (separate-from)

lightness 輕 [轻] qīng​ (light)

and-heavyness 重 chóng​ (heavy)

although 雖 [虽] suī​

having 有 yǒu​

glory 榮 [荣] róng​

observing 觀 [观] guàn​ (observe)

the-swallows 燕 yān​ (swallow)

residing-in 處 [处] chǔ​ (reside-with)

the-distance 超 chāo​ (pass)

so-true 然 rán​

how 奈 nài​

why 何 hé​

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

chariot 乘 chéng​ (ride)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

owner 主 zhǔ​

and-yet 而 ér​

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

body 身 shēn​

light-about 輕 [轻] qīng​ (light)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below? 下 xià​ (below)

lightness 輕 [轻] qīng​ (light)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

loses 失 shī​ (lose)

one's-root 根 gēn​ (root)

agitation 躁 zào​

consequently 則 [则] zé​

loses 失 shī​ (lose)

one's-rule 君 jūn​ (ruler)

第二十七章 Chapter 27  

good 善 shàn​

stepping 行 háng​ (take-steps)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

tracks 轍 [辙] chè​

or-traces 跡 [迹] jì (trace)

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

speaking 言 yán​ (speech)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

blemish 瑕 xia

good 善 shàn​

frequent-practice 數 [数] shǔ​ (repeatedly)

not 不 bù​

using 用 yòng​ (use)

design 籌 [筹] chóu​

or-plan 策 cè​ (scheme)

good 善 shàn​

shut 閉 [闭] bì​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

latch 關 [关] guān

or-lock 楗 jiàn​ (lock)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

able-to 可 kě​

open 開 [开] kāi​

good 善 shàn​

knot 結 [结] jiē​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

rope 繩 [绳] shéng​

or-weight 約 [约] yāo​ (weigh)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

able-to 可 kě​

untie 解 xiè​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

always 常 cháng​

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

rescuing 救 jiù​ (rescue)

people 人 rén​ (person)

therefore 故 gù​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

abandon 棄 [弃] qì​

people 人 rén​ (person)

always 常 cháng​

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

rescuing 救 jiù​ (rescue)

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

therefore 故 gù​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

abandon 棄 [弃] qì​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

inheriting 襲 [袭] xí​ (inherit)

enlightenment 明 míng​ (enlighten)

therefore 故 gù​

good 善 shàn​

person 人 rén​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

good 善 shàn​

person 人 rén​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

master 師 [师] shī​

not 不 bù​

good 善 shàn​

person 人 rén​

one-who 者 zhě​

good 善 shàn​

person 人 rén​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

resource 資 [资] zī​

not 不 bù​

valuing 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

the 其 qí​ (their)

master 師 [师] shī​

not 不 bù​

loving 愛 [爱] ài​ (love)

the 其 qí​ (their)

resource 資 [资] zī​

although 雖 [虽] suī​

knowledgeable 智 zhì​ (knowledge)

great 大 dà​

confusion 迷 mí​ (confused)

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

important 要 yāo​

wonder 妙 miào​ (wonders)

第二十八章 Chapter 28  

know 知 zhī​

the 其 qí​ (their)

masculine 雄 xióng​

keep-to 守 shǒu​

the 其 qí​ (their)

feminine 雌 cí​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below's 下 xià​ (below)


valley 谿 [溪] xī​ (as-valley)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below's 下 xià​ (below)


valley 谿 [溪] xī​ (as-valley)

always 常 cháng​

virtuous 德 dé​ (virtue)

not 不 bù​

separating-from 離 [离] lí​ (separate-from)

again 復 [复] fù​

return 歸 [归] guī​

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

infant 嬰 [婴] yīng

child 兒 [儿] ér

know 知 zhī​

the 其 qí​ (their)

white 白 bái​

keep-to 守 shǒu​

the 其 qí​ (their)

black 黑 hēi​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heaven 天 tiān​

below's 下 xià​ (below)

model 式 shì​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below's 下 xià​ (below)

model 式 shì​

always 常 cháng​

virtuous 德 dé​ (virtue)

not 不 bù​

excessive 忒 tè​

again 復 [复] fù​

return 歸 [归] guī​

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

extremely 極 [极] jí​ (extreme)

know 知 zhī​

the 其 qí​ (their)

glory 榮 [荣] róng​

keep-to 守 shǒu​

the 其 qí​ (their)

disgrace 辱 rǔ​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below's 下 xià​ (below)

valley 谷 gǔ​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below's 下 xià​ (below)

valley 谷 gǔ​

always 常 cháng​

virtuous 德 dé​ (virtue)

only-then 乃 nǎi​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

again 復 [复] fù​

return 歸 [归] guī​

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

uncarved-wood 樸 [朴] pǔ​

uncarved-wood 樸 [朴] pǔ​

hollowed-out 散 sǎn​ (disperse)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

vessel 器 qì​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

use 用 yòng​

it 之 zhī​

consequently 則 [则] zé​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

officer 官 guān​

last-long 長 [长] cháng​

therefore 故 gù​

great 大 dà​

coming-season 制 zhì​ (next-season)

not 不 bù​

cut-down 割 gē​ (cut-off)

第二十九章 Chapter 29  

commanders 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

wanting-to 欲 yù​ (want)

take 取 qǔ​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

and 而 ér​ (and-yet)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

it 之 zhī​

I 吾 wú​

see 見 [见] jiàn​

they 其 qí​ (their)

not 不 bù​

obtain 得 dé​

already-now 已 yǐ​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

lively-spirit's 神 shén​ (lively-spirit)

vessel 器 qì​

not 不 bù​

able 可 kě​ (able-to)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

also 也 yě​ (álso)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

one-who 者 zhě​

fails-at 敗 [败] bài​ (fail)

it 之 zhī​

grasp-at 執 [执] zhí​ (grasp)

one-who 者 zhě​

loses 失 shī​ (lose)

it 之 zhī​

man 夫 fū​

creature 物 wù​

maybe 或 huò​

steps-away 行 háng​ (take-steps)

maybe 或 huò​

follows 隨 [随] suí​ (follow)

maybe 或 huò​

snorts 歔 xū​ (snort)

maybe 或 huò​

huffs 吹 chuī​ (huff)

maybe 或 huò​

strengthens 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

maybe 或 huò​

triumphs 贏 [赢] yíng (win)

maybe 或 huò​

bent-back 挫 cuò​ (bend-back)

maybe 或 huò​

broken 隳 huī​ (break)

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

leaves-from 去 qù​ (leave-from)

the-super 甚 [什] shén​ (super)

leaves-from 去 qù​ (leave-from)

the-extravagant 奢 shē​ (extravagant)

leaves-from 去 qù​ (leave-from)

the-grand 泰 tài​ (grand)

第三十章 Chapter 30  

thereby 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

assisting 佐 zuǒ​ (assist)

person 人 rén​

owner 主 zhǔ​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

weapon 兵 bīng​

strong 強 [强] qiáng​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

their 其 qí​

work 事 shì​

good-at 好 hǎo​

returning-back-to 還 [还] huán​ (return-back)

master 師 [师] shī​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

Place 所 suǒ​

residing-with 處 [处] chǔ​ (reside-with)

brambles 荊 [荆] jing

and-thorns 棘 jì (thorns)

growing 生 shēng​ (life)

there 焉 yān​ (where)

army 軍 [军] jūn​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

following-afterward 後 [后] hòu​ (behind)

surely-will 必 bì​ (surely-must)

have 有 yǒu​ (having)

unfortunate 凶 xiōng​

year 年 nián

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

having 有 yǒu​

fruit 果 guǒ​

and-yet 而 ér​

already-done 已 yǐ​ (already-now)

not 不 bù​

daring 敢 gǎn​ (dare)

thereby 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

to-take 取 qǔ​ (take)

forcefully 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

fruitful 果 guǒ​ (fruit)

and-yet 而 ér​

never 勿 wù​

boasting 矜 jīn​ (boast)

fruitful 果 guǒ​ (fruit)

and-yet 而 ér​

never 勿 wù​

cutting-down 伐 fá​ (cut-down)

fruitful 果 guǒ​ (fruit)

and-yet 而 ér​

never 勿 wù​

arrogant 驕 [骄] jiāo​

fruitful 果 guǒ​ (fruit)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

obtaining-more 得 dé​ (obtain)

already-done 已 yǐ​ (already-now)

fruitful 果 guǒ​ (fruit)

and-yet 而 ér​

never 勿 wù​

forceful 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

creature 物 wù​

strengthens 壯 [壮] zhuàng​ (strengthen)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

becomes-old 老 lǎo​ (old)

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

not 不 bù​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

not 不 bù​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

early-morning 早 zǎo​ (early)

already-now 已 yǐ​

第三十一章 Chapter 31  

man 夫 fū​

beautiful 佳 jiā​

weapon 兵 bīng​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

good-luck 祥 xiáng​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

vessel 器 qì​

creature 物 wù​

maybe 或 huò​

repulsed-by 惡 [恶] ě​ (repulse)

this 之 zhī​ (it)

therefore 故 gù​

having 有 yǒu​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

reside-with 處 [处] chǔ​

ruling 君 jūn​ (ruler)

son 子 zǐ​ (child)

visit 居 jū​ (sit-with)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

values 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

left-side 左 zuǒ​

using 用 yòng​ (use)

weapons 兵 bīng​ (weapon)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

values 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

right-side 右 yòu​

weapon 兵 bīng​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

good-luck 祥 xiáng​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

vessel 器 qì​

will-not-be 非 fēi​ (not-to-be)

ruler 君 jūn​

son 子 zǐ​ (child)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

vessel 器 qì​

not 不 bù​

obtaining 得 dé​ (obtain)

already-now 已 yǐ​

and-yet 而 ér​

using 用 yòng​ (use)

it 之 zhī​

quiet 恬 tián

and-bland 淡 dàn​ (bland)

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

above 上 shǎng​

capturing 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

delighting-in 美 měi​ (delight)

but-yet 而 ér​ (and-yet)

delighting-in 美 měi​ (delight)

it 之 zhī​

one-who 者 zhě​

it-is 是 shì​

to-enjoy 樂 [乐] lè​ (enjoy)

killing 殺 [杀] shā​ (kill)

people 人 rén​ (person)

man 夫 fū​

enjoy 樂 [乐] lè​

killing 殺 [杀] shā​ (kill)

people 人 rén​ (person)

one-who 者 zhě​

consequently 則 [则] zé​

not 不 bù​

able 可 kě​ (able-to)

obtain 得 dé​

the-will 志 zhì​ (will)

of 於 [于] yú​ (with)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

! 矣 yǐ​ (.)

fortunate 吉 jí​

work 事 shì​

upholds 尚 shàng​ (upholding)

the-left-side 左 zuǒ​ (left-side)

unfortunate 凶 xiōng​

work 事 shì​

upholds 尚 shàng​ (upholding)

the-right-side 右 yòu​ (right-side)

subordinate 偏 piān​

commander-of 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

army 軍 [军] jūn​

sits-with 居 jū​ (sit-with)

the-left-side 左 zuǒ​ (left-side)

above 上 shǎng​

commander-of 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

army 軍 [军] jūn​

sits-with 居 jū​ (sit-with)

the-right-side 右 yòu​ (right-side)

in-speaking 言 yán​ (speech)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

the-mourning 喪 [丧] sāng​ (mourning)

ceremony 禮 [礼] lǐ​ (ceremony-etiquette)

adheres-to 處 [处] chǔ​ (reside-with)

this 之 zhī​ (it)

killed 殺 [杀] shā​ (kill)

people 人 rén​ (person)

their 之 zhī​ (it)

many-people 眾 [众] zhòng

thereby 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

greiving 悲 bēi (greive)

sorrowful 哀 āi​ (sorrow)

crying-about 泣 qì (cry)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

battle 戰 [战] zhàn​

capture-site 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

thus 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

mourning 喪 [丧] sāng​

ceremony 禮 [礼] lǐ​ (ceremony-etiquette)

resides 處 [处] chǔ​ (reside-with)

there 之 zhī​ (it)

第三十二章 Chapter 32  

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

forever 常 cháng​ (always)

without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

Name 名 míng​

uncarved-wood 樸 [朴] pǔ​

although 雖 [虽] suī​

small 小 xiǎo​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

none-who 莫 mò​

capable-of 能 néng​

enslaving 臣 chén​ (minister)

also 也 yě​ (álso)

baron 侯 hóu​

king 王 wáng​

if 若 ruò​ (as-if)

capable-of 能 néng​

keeping-to 守 shǒu​ (keep-to)

this 之 zhī​ (it)

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

will 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

oneself 自 zì​

be-guest 賓 [宾] bīn​ (guest)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-earth 地 dì (earth)

each-other 相 xiāng​

unite 合 gě​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

surrender 降 jiàng

sweet 甘 gān​

good-rain 露 lù​

people 民 mín​

none-who 莫 mò​

they're 之 zhī​ (it)

cause-of 令 líng​

and-yet 而 ér​

oneself 自 zì​

share-equally 均 jūn​ (equal-part)

beginning-of 始 shǐ​ (beginning)

next-season 制 zhì​

having 有 yǒu​

Name 名 míng​

Name 名 míng​

also 亦 yì​

already-enough 既 jì​

having 有 yǒu​

man 夫 fū​

also 亦 yì​

will 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

know 知 zhī​

stopping-point 止 zhǐ​ (stop)

know 知 zhī​

stopping-point 止 zhǐ​ (stop)

able 可 kě​ (able-to)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

not 不 bù​

endangering 殆 dài​ (endanger)

metaphorically 譬 pì​ (as-analogy)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

its 之 zhī​ (it)

being-in 在 zài​ (being-with)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

acts-like 猶 [犹] yóu​ (act-like)

stream-flowing 川 chuān​ (river)

to-valley 谷 gǔ​ (valley)

its 之 zhī​ (it)

as 於 [于] yú​ (with)

river-flowing 江 jiāng (large-river)

to-sea 海 hǎi​ (sea)

第三十三章 Chapter 33  

knowing 知 zhī​ (know)

people 人 rén​ (person)

one-who 者 zhě​

knowledgeable 智 zhì​ (knowledge)

oneself 自 zì​

knowing 知 zhī​ (know)

one-who 者 zhě​

enlightened 明 míng​ (enlighten)

capturing 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

people 人 rén​ (person)

one-who 者 zhě​

having 有 yǒu​

power 力 lì​

oneself 自 zì​

capturing 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

one-who 者 zhě​

strong 強 [强] qiáng​

know 知 zhī​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

one-who 者 zhě​

wealthy 富 fù​

strongly 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

taking-steps 行 háng​ (take-steps)

one-who 者 zhě​

having 有 yǒu​

will 志 zhì​

not 不 bù​

losing 失 shī​ (lose)

their 其 qí​

Place 所 suǒ​

one-who 者 zhě​

long-time-stay 久 jiǔ​ (long-time)

dieing 死 sǐ​ (die)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

gone 亡 wáng​

one-who 者 zhě​

live-long 壽 [寿] shòu​

第三十四章 Chapter 34  

great 大 dà​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

floods 氾 [泛] fàn​ (flood)

much 兮 xī​

it's 其 qí​ (their)

able-to 可 kě​

flow-left 左 zuǒ​ (left-side)

flow-right 右 yòu​ (right-side)

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

depend-on 恃 shì​

it 之 zhī​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

live-on 生 shēng​ (life)

and 而 ér​ (and-yet)

not 不 bù​

quit 辭 [辞] cí​ (resign)

achievements 功 gōng​ (achievement)

complete 成 chéng​

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

Name 名 míng​

having 有 yǒu​

clothing 衣 yī​ (clothe)

and-giving-birth-to 養 [养] yǎng​ (give-birth)

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

acting-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

owner 主 zhǔ​

always 常 cháng​

without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

want 欲 yù​

able-to 可 kě​

achieve-Name 名 míng​ (Name)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

the-small 小 xiǎo​ (small)

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

return 歸 [归] guī​

there 焉 yān​ (where)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

owner 主 zhǔ​

able-to 可 kě​

achieve-Name 名 míng​ (Name)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

great 大 dà​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

their 其 qí​

to-the-end 終 [终] zhōng​

not 不 bù​

for-oneself 自 zì​ (oneself)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

great 大 dà​

therefore 故 gù​

capable-of 能 néng​

complete 成 chéng​

their 其 qí​

greatness 大 dà​ (great)

第三十五章 Chapter 35  

grasp 執 [执] zhí​

great 大 dà​

image 象 xiàng​

heaven 天 tiān​

below 下 xià​

move-forth 往 wǎng

moving-forth 往 wǎng (move-forth)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

damaging 害 hài​ (damage)

peaceful 安 ān​

stable 平 píng

greatest 太 tài​

enjoyment 樂 [乐] lè​ (enjoy)

along-side 與 [与] yú​

enticing-food 餌 [饵] ěr​

passing 過 [过] guò​

visitors 客 kè​ (visitor)

stop 止 zhǐ​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

it 之 zhī​

goes-out-of 出 chū​ (go-out)

mouth 口 kǒu​

bland 淡 dàn​

!? 乎 hū​ (?)

Its 其 qí​ (their)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

taste 味 wèi​

look-at 視 [视] shì​ (look)

it 之 zhī​

not 不 bù​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

to-see 見 [见] jiàn​ (see)

listen-to 聽 [听] tīng​ (listen)

it 之 zhī​

not 不 bù​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

to-hear 聞 [闻] wén​ (hear)

using 用 yòng​ (use)

it 之 zhī​

not 不 bù​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

already-enough 既 jì​

第三十六章 Chapter 36  

commander 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

wanting-to 欲 yù​ (want)

bring-together 歙 shè​ (together)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

surely-must-consider 必 bì​ (surely-must)

no-doubt 固 gù​ (firm)

how-spread-out 張 [张] zhāng​ (spread-out)

they-are 之 zhī​ (it)

commander 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

wanting-to 欲 yù​ (want)

weaken 弱 ruò​ (weak)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

surely-must-consider 必 bì​ (surely-must)

no-doubt 固 gù​ (firm)

how-strong 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

they-are 之 zhī​ (it)

commander 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

wanting-to 欲 yù​ (want)

eliminate 廢 [废] fèi​

them 之 zhī​ (it)

surely-must-consider 必 bì​ (surely-must)

no-doubt 固 gù​ (firm)

how-admired 興 [兴] xīng​ (admired)

they-are 之 zhī​ (it)

commander 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

wanting-to 欲 yù​ (want)

take 取 qǔ​

them 之 zhī​ (it)

surely-must-consider 必 bì​ (surely-must)

no-doubt 固 gù​ (firm)

how-united 與 [与] yú​ (along-side)

they-are 之 zhī​ (it)

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

tiny 微 wēi​

enlightenment 明 míng​ (enlighten)

yielding 柔 róu​

and-weak 弱 ruò​ (weak)

captures 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

hard 剛 [刚] gāng​

and-strong 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

fish 魚 [鱼] yú​

not 不 bù​

able-to 可 kě​

separate 脫 [脱] tuō​

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

deep-water 淵 [渊] yuān​

nation 國 [国] guó​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

benefitial 利 lì​ (benefit)

vessels 器 qì​ (vessel)

not 不 bù​

able 可 kě​ (able-to)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

reveal-to 示 shì​ (reveal)

the-people 人 rén​ (person)

第三十七章 Chapter 37  

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

forever 常 cháng​ (always)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

to-act 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

and-yet 而 ér​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

to-not 不 bù​ (not)

act 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

baron 侯 hóu​

king 王 wáng​

if 若 ruò​ (as-if)

capable-of 能 néng​

keeping-to 守 shǒu​ (keep-to)

it 之 zhī​

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

will 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

oneself 自 zì​

transform 化 huā​

transform 化 huā​

and-yet 而 ér​

want 欲 yù​

to-work 作 zuò​ (working)

I 吾 wú​

will 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

stand-guard-for 鎮 [镇] zhèn​ (suppress)

this 之 zhī​ (it)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

Name 名 míng​

the 之 zhī​ (it)

uncarved-wood 樸 [朴] pǔ​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

Name 名 míng​

the 之 zhī​ (it)

uncarved-wood 樸 [朴] pǔ​

man-so 夫 fū​ (man)

also 亦 yì​

will-be 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

want 欲 yù​

not 不 bù​

wanting 欲 yù​ (want)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

calm 靜 [静] jìng​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

will 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

oneself 自 zì​

resolve 定 dìng​ (fix)

第三十八章 Chapter 38  

above 上 shǎng​

virtue 德 dé​

not 不 bù​

virtue 德 dé​

claimed-to-be 是 shì​ (it-is)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

having 有 yǒu​

virtue 德 dé​

below 下 xià​

virtue 德 dé​

not 不 bù​

losing 失 shī​ (lose)

virtue 德 dé​

claimed-to-be 是 shì​ (it-is)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

virtue 德 dé​

above 上 shǎng​

virtue 德 dé​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

and-yet 而 ér​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

to-act-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

below 下 xià​

virtue 德 dé​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

and-yet 而 ér​

having 有 yǒu​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

to-act-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

above 上 shǎng​

humanity 仁 rén​ (humane)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

it 之 zhī​

and-yet 而 ér​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

to-act-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

above 上 shǎng​

justice 義 [义] yì​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

it 之 zhī​

and-yet 而 ér​

having 有 yǒu​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

above 上 shǎng​

ceremony-etiquette 禮 [礼] lǐ​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

it 之 zhī​

and-yet 而 ér​

none-who 莫 mò​

they 之 zhī​ (it)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

respond 應 [应] yìng​

consequently 則 [则] zé​

push-up-sleeve-on 攘 rǎng​ (push-up-sleeve)

arms 臂 bì​ (arm)

and 而 ér​ (and-yet)

throws-at 扔 rēng​ (throw)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

therefore 故 gù​

lose 失 shī​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

and-yet 而 ér​

after-that 後 [后] hòu​ (behind)

virtue 德 dé​

lose 失 shī​

virtue 德 dé​

and-yet 而 ér​

after-that 後 [后] hòu​ (behind)

humanity 仁 rén​ (humane)

lose 失 shī​

humane 仁 rén​

and-yet 而 ér​

after-that 後 [后] hòu​ (behind)

justice 義 [义] yì​

lose 失 shī​

justice 義 [义] yì​

and-yet 而 ér​

after-that 後 [后] hòu​ (behind)

ceremonial-etiquette 禮 [礼] lǐ​ (ceremony-etiquette)

man 夫 fū​

ceremonial-etiquette 禮 [礼] lǐ​ (ceremony-etiquette)

one-who 者 zhě​

loyal 忠 zhōng​

truth 信 xìn​ (true)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

thinning 薄 bó​ (thin)

and-yet 而 ér​

confusion 亂 [乱] luàn​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

starting 首 shǒu​ (head)

future 前 qián​ (ahead)

understanding 識 [识] shí​ (understand)

one-who 者 zhě​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

splendor 華 [华] huá​

and-yet 而 ér​

foolishness 愚 yú​ (simple-minded)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

beginning 始 shǐ​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

great 大 dà​

gentleman 丈 zhàng

man 夫 fū​

resides-with 處 [处] chǔ​ (reside-with)

the 其 qí​ (their)OLO

thick 厚 hòu​

not 不 bù​

sitting-with 居 jū​ (sit-with)

the 其 qí​ (their)

thin 薄 bó​

resides-with 處 [处] chǔ​ (reside-with)

the 其 qí​ (their)

solid 實 [实] shí​

not 不 bù​

sitting-with 居 jū​ (sit-with)

the 其 qí​ (their)

splendor 華 [华] huá​

therefore 故 gù​

leave-from 去 qù​

those 彼 bǐ​

take 取 qǔ​

these 此 cǐ​ (this)

第三十九章 Chapter 39  

ancients 昔 xī​

they 之 zhī​ (it)

obtain 得 dé​

oneness 一 yī​ (one)

one-who 者 zhě​

heaven 天 tiān​

obtain 得 dé​

oneness 一 yī​ (one)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

pure 清 qīng​

earth 地 dì

obtain 得 dé​

oneness 一 yī​ (one)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

serene 寧 [宁] níng​

lively-spirits 神 shén​ (lively-spirit)

obtain 得 dé​

oneness 一 yī​ (one)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

spirit-world 靈 [灵] líng​

valley 谷 gǔ​

obtain 得 dé​

oneness 一 yī​ (one)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

surplus 盈 yíng​

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

obtain 得 dé​

oneness 一 yī​ (one)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

spring-to-life 生 shēng​ (life)

baron 侯 hóu​

and-king 王 wáng​ (king)

obtain 得 dé​

oneness 一 yī​ (one)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

faithful 貞 [贞] zhēn​

they 其 qí​ (their)

acquired 致 zhì​ (acquire)

it 之 zhī​

heaven 天 tiān​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

purity 清 qīng​ (pure)

would-be 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

at-risk-of 恐 kǒng​ (afraid)

splitting 裂 liè​ (split)

earth 地 dì

not-having 無 [无] wú​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

serene 寧 [宁] níng​

would-be 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

at-risk-of 恐 kǒng​ (afraid)

eliminated 廢 [废] fèi​ (eliminate)

lively-spirit 神 shén​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

spirit-world 靈 [灵] líng​

would-be 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

at-risk-of 恐 kǒng​ (afraid)

fading 歇 xiē​ (rest)

valley 谷 gǔ​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

surplus 盈 yíng​

would-be 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

at-risk-of 恐 kǒng​ (afraid)

exhaustion 竭 jié​ (exhaust)

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creature 物 wù​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

life 生 shēng​

would-be 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

afraid-of 恐 kǒng​ (afraid)

extinguish 滅 [灭] miè​

baron 侯 hóu​

king 王 wáng​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

devotion 貞 [贞] zhēn​ (faithful)

would-be 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

afraid-of 恐 kǒng​ (afraid)

being-trampled 蹶 jué​ (trample)

therefore 故 gù​

valued 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

unworthy 賤 [贱] jiàn​

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

base 本 běn​ (basis)

higher 高 gāo​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

lower 下 xià​ (below)

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

foundation 基 jī​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

baron 侯 hóu​

king 王 wáng​

oneself 自 zì​

describe-as 稱 [称] chèn​ (say-as)

lonely 孤 gū​

lacking 寡 guǎ​

not 不 bù​

lucky 穀 [谷] gǔ​

this 此 cǐ​

not-to-be 非 fēi​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

unworthy 賤 [贱] jiàn​

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

base-of 本 běn​ (basis)

evil? 邪 xié (naturally-wrong)

not-to-be 非 fēi​

? 乎 hū​

reach-extreme 至 zhì​

praise-worthy 譽 [誉] yù​ (praise)

without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

praise 譽 [誉] yù​

not 不 bù​

wanting 欲 yù​ (want)

shiny 琭 lù​ (shiny-stone)

precious-stone 琭 lù​ (shiny-stone)

like 如 rú​

jade 玉 yù​

pearly 珞 luò​ (necklace-stone)

necklace-stone 珞 luò​

like 如 rú​

gem 石 shí​ (stone)

第四十章 Chapter 40  

reversing 反 fǎn​ (reverse)

one-who 者 zhě​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

it 之 zhī​

moves 動 [动] dòng​ (move)

weaknes 弱 ruò​ (weak)

one-who 者 zhě​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

it 之 zhī​

used 用 yòng​ (use)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

come-to-life 生 shēng​ (life)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

having 有 yǒu​

having 有 yǒu​

comes-to-life 生 shēng​ (life)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

第四十一章 Chapter 41  

above 上 shǎng​

scholar 士 shì​

hears 聞 [闻] wén​ (hear)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

works-hard 勤 qín​ (hard-work)

and 而 ér​ (and-yet)

take-steps-about 行 háng​ (take-steps)

it 之 zhī​

center 中 zhōng​

scholar 士 shì​

hears 聞 [闻] wén​ (hear)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

as-if 若 ruò​

exists 存 cún​

as-if 若 ruò​

gone 亡 wáng​

below 下 xià​

scholar 士 shì​

hears 聞 [闻] wén​ (hear)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

great 大 dà​

laugh-about 笑 xiào​ (laugh)

it 之 zhī​

not 不 bù​

laugh-about 笑 xiào​ (laugh)

not 不 bù​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

therefore 故 gù​

established 建 jiàn​

saying 言 yán​ (speech)

having 有 yǒu​

this 之 zhī​ (it)

enlightened 明 míng​ (enlighten)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

as-if 若 ruò​

darkness 昧 mèi​

advancing 進 [进] jìn​ (advance)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

as-if 若 ruò​


retreating 退 tuì​ (retreat)

smooth 夷 yí​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

as-if 若 ruò​

knotted 纇 lèi​

above 上 shǎng​

virtue 德 dé​

as-if 若 ruò​

valley 谷 gǔ​

great 大 dà​

whiteness 白 bái​ (white)

as-if 若 ruò​

disgraced 辱 rǔ​ (disgrace)

extensive 廣 [广] guǎng​ (expansive)

virtue 德 dé​

as-if 若 ruò​

not 不 bù​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

established 建 jiàn​

virtue 德 dé​

as-if 若 ruò​

improper 偷 tōu​

substantial 質 [质] zhì​

genuine 真 zhēn​

as-if 若 ruò​

changing-mind 渝 yú​ (change-mind)

great 大 dà​

square 方 fāng​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

corner 隅 yú​

great 大 dà​

vessel 器 qì​

late 晚 wǎn

completion 成 chéng​ (complete)

great 大 dà​

sound 音 yīn​ (sounds)

rarely 希 xī​ (rare)

voiced 聲 [声] shēng​ (voice)

great 大 dà​

image 象 xiàng​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

shape 形 xíng​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

hidden 隱 [隐] yǐn​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

Name 名 míng​

man 夫 fū​

only-if 唯 wéi​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

lending-to 貸 [贷] dài​ (lending)

furthermore 且 qiě​

complete 成 chéng​

第四十二章 Chapter 42  

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

brings-life-to 生 shēng​ (life)

one 一 yī​

one 一 yī​

brings-life-to 生 shēng​ (life)

two 二 èr​

two 二 èr​

brings-life-to 生 shēng​ (life)

three 三 sān​

three 三 sān​

brings-life-to 生 shēng​ (life)

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creature 物 wù​

carry-on-shoulder 負 [负] fù​

yin 陰 [阴] yīn​

and-yet 而 ér​

embrace 抱 bào​

yang 陽 [阳] yáng​

rinse 沖 [冲] chōng​

vital-energy 氣 [气] qì​ (chi)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

harmonize 和 hé​

person 人 rén​

their 之 zhī​ (it)

Place 所 suǒ​

ugliness 惡 [恶] ě​ (repulse)

only-if 唯 wéi​

lonely 孤 gū​

lacking 寡 guǎ​

not 不 bù​

lucky 穀 [谷] gǔ​

and-yet 而 ér​

king 王 wáng​

public-official 公 gōng​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

act 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

describe-as 稱 [称] chèn​ (say-as)

therefore 故 gù​

creature 物 wù​

maybe 或 huò​

lose 損 [损] sǔn​

it 之 zhī​

and-yet 而 ér​

gain 益 yì​

maybe 或 huò​

gain 益 yì​

it 之 zhī​

and-yet 而 ér​

lose 損 [损] sǔn​

person 人 rén​

their 之 zhī​ (it)

Place 所 suǒ​

teaching 教 jiào​

myself 我 wǒ​

also 亦 yì​

teaching 教 jiào​

them 之 zhī​ (it)

strong 強 [强] qiáng​

violent 梁 liáng

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

obtained 得 dé​ (obtain)

their 其 qí​

death 死 sǐ​ (die)

I 吾 wú​

will 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

teaching 教 jiào​

father 父 fù

beginning-now 甫 fǔ​ (barely-beginning)

第四十三章 Chapter 43  

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

extremely 至 zhì​ (reach-extreme)

yielding 柔 róu​

gallops 馳 [驰] chí (gallop)

and-runs-on 騁 [骋] cheng (run)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

extremely 至 zhì​ (reach-extreme)

unyielding 堅 [坚] jiān​

that-without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

having 有 yǒu​

enters-though 入 rù​ (place-enter)

the-not-having 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

space-between 間 [间] jiān

I 吾 wú​

it-is-so 是 shì​ (it-is)

thereby 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

know 知 zhī​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

act 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

its 之 zhī​ (it)

having 有 yǒu​

gain 益 yì​

not 不 bù​

speaking 言 yán​ (speech)

is 之 zhī​ (it)

teaching 教 jiào​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

act 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

is 之 zhī​ (it)

gain 益 yì​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

rarely 希 xī​ (rare)

compares-to 及 jí​ (reach)

it 之 zhī​

第四十四章 Chapter 44  

Name 名 míng​

along-side 與 [与] yú​

body 身 shēn​

which-is 孰 shú​ (who)

favorite-relative? 親 [亲] qīn​ (favorite-relative)

body 身 shēn​

along-side 與 [与] yú​

money 貨 [货] huò​

which-is 孰 shú​ (who)

more? 多 duō​ (more)

obtained 得 dé​ (obtain)

along-side 與 [与] yú​

gone 亡 wáng​

which-is 孰 shú​ (who)

sickness? 病 bìng​ (sick)

it-is 是 shì​

therefore 故 gù​

super 甚 [什] shén​

love 愛 [爱] ài​

surely-must-consider-as 必 bì​ (surely-must)

great 大 dà​

cost 費 [费] fèi​

more 多 duō​

hoarding 藏 zàng​ (hoard)

surely-must-consider 必 bì​ (surely-must)

richness 厚 hòu​ (thick)

being-gone 亡 wáng​ (gone)

know 知 zhī​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

not 不 bù​

disgraced 辱 rǔ​ (disgrace)

know 知 zhī​

stopping-point 止 zhǐ​ (stop)

not 不 bù​

endangered 殆 dài​ (endanger)

able 可 kě​ (able-to)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

last-long 長 [长] cháng​

long-time 久 jiǔ​

第四十五章 Chapter 45  

great 大 dà​

completeness 成 chéng​ (complete)

as-if 若 ruò​

lacking 缺 quē​ (lack)

its 其 qí​ (their)

use-of 用 yòng​ (use)

not 不 bù​

wearing-out 弊 bì​ (worn-out)

great 大 dà​

surplus 盈 yíng​

as-if 若 ruò​

rinsing 沖 [冲] chōng​ (rinse)

its 其 qí​ (their)

use-of 用 yòng​ (use)

not 不 bù​

exhausted 窮 [穷] qióng​

great 大 dà​

straightness 直 zhí​ (straight)

as-if 若 ruò​

bending 屈 qū​

great 大 dà​

skill 巧 qiǎo​

as-if 若 ruò​

clumsy 拙 zhuō​

great 大 dà​

argument 辯 [辩] biàn​ (argue)

as-if 若 ruò​

inarticulate 訥 [讷] nè​

calmness 靜 [静] jìng​ (calm)

captures 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

agitation 躁 zào​

cold 寒 hán​

captures 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

heat 熱 [热] rè​

purity 清 qīng​ (pure)

and-calmness 靜 [静] jìng​ (calm)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

bringing-upright 正 zhēng​ (upright)

第四十六章 Chapter 46  

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

having 有 yǒu​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

still 卻 [却] què​

walking-on-foot 走 zǒu (go-on-foot)

horses 馬 [马] mǎ​ (horse)

so-thereby-for 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

farming 糞 [粪] fèn​ (fertilize)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

war-weapon 戎 rong (weapons)

horses 馬 [马] mǎ​ (horse)

spring-to-life 生 shēng​ (life)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

the-farms 郊 jiāo​ (farm-land)

bad-fortune 禍 [祸] huò​

none-who 莫 mò​

greater-than 大 dà​ (great)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

not 不 bù​

knowing 知 zhī​ (know)

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

blame 咎 jiù​

none-who 莫 mò​

greater-than 大 dà​ (great)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

wanting 欲 yù​ (want)

to-obtain 得 dé​ (obtain)

therefore 故 gù​

know 知 zhī​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

its 之 zhī​ (it)

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

always 常 cháng​

have-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

! 矣 yǐ​ (.)

第四十七章 Chapter 47  

not 不 bù​

go-out 出 chū​

door 戶 [户] hù​

know 知 zhī​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

not 不 bù​

peep-through 闚 kuī​ (peep-at)

window 牖 yǒu​

see 見 [见] jiàn​

heavens 天 tiān​ (heaven)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

they 其 qí​ (their)

go-out 出 chū​

fully 彌 [弥] mí​ (full)

distant 遠 [远] yuǎn​

they 其 qí​ (their)

knowing 知 zhī​ (know)

fully 彌 [弥] mí​ (full)

less 少 shǎo​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

not 不 bù​

taking-steps 行 háng​ (take-steps)

and-yet 而 ér​

knowing 知 zhī​ (know)

not 不 bù​

seen 見 [见] jiàn​ (see)

and-yet 而 ér​

known 名 míng​ (Name)

not 不 bù​

acting 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

and-yet 而 ér​

complete 成 chéng​

第四十八章 Chapter 48  

action-of 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

learning 學 [学] xué​ (learn)

each-day 日 rì​

is-to-gain 益 yì​ (gain)

action-of 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

each-day 日 rì​

is-to-lose 損 [损] sǔn​ (lose)

lose 損 [损] sǔn​

it 之 zhī​

once-again 又 yòu​

lose 損 [损] sǔn​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

reach-extreme 至 zhì​

with 於 [于] yú​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

action 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

to-act 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

and 而 ér​ (and-yet)

not 不 bù​

acting 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

take 取 qǔ​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

always 常 cháng​

thus-by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

to-work 事 shì​ (work)

reach 及 jí​

their 其 qí​

having 有 yǒu​

to-work 事 shì​ (work)

not 不 bù​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

to-take 取 qǔ​ (take)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

第四十九章 Chapter 49  

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

always 常 cháng​

heart 心 xīn​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

hundred 百 bǎi

families 姓 xìng

heart 心 xīn​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heart 心 xīn​

good 善 shàn​

one-who 者 zhě​

I 吾 wú​

good-to 善 shàn​ (good)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

not 不 bù​

good 善 shàn​

one-who 者 zhě​

I 吾 wú​

also 亦 yì​

good-to 善 shàn​ (good)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

virtue 德 dé​

of-goodness 善 shàn​ (good)

truth 信 xìn​ (true)

sayer 者 zhě​ (one-who)

I 吾 wú​

say-truth-to 信 xìn​ (true)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

not 不 bù​

truth 信 xìn​ (true)

sayer 者 zhě​ (one-who)

I 吾 wú​

also 亦 yì​

say-truth-to 信 xìn​ (true)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

virtue 德 dé​

of-truth 信 xìn​ (true)

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

with 在 zài​ (being-with)

heaven 天 tiān​

below 下 xià​

together 歙 shè​

together 歙 shè​

where 焉 yān​

acting-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

blending 渾 [浑] hún​ (blend)

their 其 qí​

hearts 心 xīn​ (heart)

one-hundred 百 bǎi (hundred)

families 姓 xìng

everyone 皆 jiē​

concentrates 注 zhù​ (concentrate)

their 其 qí​

ears 耳 ěr (ear)

eye 目 mù​

to-wise 聖 [圣] shèng​ (wise)

person 人 rén​

everyone 皆 jiē​

childlike 孩 hái​ (child)

they-are 之 zhī​ (it)

第五十章 Chapter 50  

coming-out 出 chū​ (go-out)

springing-to-life 生 shēng​ (life)

entering-place-of 入 rù​ (place-enter)

death 死 sǐ​ (die)

life 生 shēng​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

followers 徒 tú​ (follower)

ten 十 shí​

having 有 yǒu​

three 三 sān​

death 死 sǐ​ (die)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

followers 徒 tú​ (follower)

ten 十 shí​

having 有 yǒu​

three 三 sān​

person 人 rén​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

being-born 生 shēng​ (life)

moving 動 [动] dòng​ (move)

their 之 zhī​ (it)

to-with 於 [于] yú​ (with)

die 死 sǐ​

on-earth 地 dì (earth)

also 亦 yì​

ten 十 shí​

having 有 yǒu​

three 三 sān​

man 夫 fū​

how 何 hé​ (why)

thereby? 故 gù​ (therefore)

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

their 其 qí​

living-on 生 shēng​ (life)

life 生 shēng​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

richness 厚 hòu​ (thick)

stealthy 蓋 [盖] gě​ (hide)

legendary 聞 [闻] wén​ (hear)

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

listening-to 攝 [摄] shè​ (listening)

life 生 shēng​

one-who 者 zhě​

across-land 陸 [陆] lù​

take-steps 行 háng​

not 不 bù​

encountering 遇 yù​ (encounter)

beast 兇 [凶] xiong (atrocious)

tiger 虎 hǔ​

place-enter 入 rù​

army 軍 [军] jūn​

not 不 bù​

wearing 被 bèi​ (wear)

armor 甲 jiǎ​

weapon 兵 bīng​

beast 兇 [凶] xiong (atrocious)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

place 所 suǒ​

to-jab 投 tóu​ (jab)

its 其 qí​ (their)

horn 角 jué​

tiger 虎 hǔ​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

place 所 suǒ​

to-use 用 yòng​ (use)

its 其 qí​ (their)

claw 爪 zhuǎ​

weapon 兵 bīng​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

place 所 suǒ​

to-show 容 róng​ (appear)

its 其 qí​ (their)

blade 刃 rèn​ (edge-of-blade)

man 夫 fū​

how 何 hé​ (why)

thereby? 故 gù​ (therefore)

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

their 其 qí​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

die 死 sǐ​

on-earth 地 dì (earth)

第五十一章 Chapter 51  

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

brings-life-to 生 shēng​ (life)

it 之 zhī​

virtue 德 dé​

nourishes 畜 chù​ (nourish)

it 之 zhī​

creature 物 wù​

shapes 形 xíng​ (shape)

it 之 zhī​

skillful-power 勢 [势] shì​

completes 成 chéng​ (complete)

it 之 zhī​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

none-who 莫 mò​

not 不 bù​

respect 尊 zūn​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

and-yet 而 ér​

values 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

virtue 德 dé​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

respect 尊 zūn​

virtue 德 dé​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

value 貴 [贵] guì​

man 夫 fū​

none-who 莫 mò​

their 之 zhī​ (it)

fortune-doomed 命 mìng​ (destiny)

and-yet 而 ér​

always 常 cháng​

oneself 自 zì​

so-true 然 rán​

therefore 故 gù​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

brings-life-to 生 shēng​ (life)

it 之 zhī​

virtue 德 dé​

nourishes 畜 chù​ (nourish)

it 之 zhī​

grows 長 [长] cháng​ (last-long)

it 之 zhī​

matures 育 yù​ (mature)

it 之 zhī​

shelters 亭 tíng​ (shelter)

it 之 zhī​

poisons 毒 dú​ (poison)

it 之 zhī​

gives-birth-to 養 [养] yǎng​ (give-birth)

it 之 zhī​

and-again-buries 覆 fù​ (cover-again)

it 之 zhī​

bringing-to-life 生 shēng​ (life)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

having 有 yǒu​

acting-on 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

depending-on 恃 shì​ (depend-on)

lasting-long 長 [长] cháng​ (last-long)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

oppressing 宰 zǎi​ (oppress)

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

mystery 玄 xuán​

virtue 德 dé​

第五十二章 Chapter 52  

heaven 天 tiān​

below 下 xià​

having 有 yǒu​

beginnings 始 shǐ​ (beginning)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

acting-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

mother 母 mǔ​

already-enough 既 jì​

obtain 得 dé​

the 其 qí​ (their)

mother 母 mǔ​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

know 知 zhī​

the 其 qí​ (their)

child 子 zǐ​

already-enough 既 jì​

know 知 zhī​

the 其 qí​ (their)

child 子 zǐ​

again 復 [复] fù​

keep-to 守 shǒu​

the 其 qí​ (their)

mother 母 mǔ​

sinking 沒 [没] méi​ (sink)

body 身 shēn​

not 不 bù​

endangered 殆 dài​ (endanger)

contain 塞 sāi​

your 其 qí​ (their)

business 兌 [兑] duì​

shut 閉 [闭] bì​

your 其 qí​ (their)

gate 門 [门] mén​

to-the-end 終 [终] zhōng​

body 身 shēn​

not 不 bù​

working-hard 勤 qín​ (hard-work)

open 開 [开] kāi​

your 其 qí​ (their)

business 兌 [兑] duì​

constantly 濟 [济] jì​ (constant)

your 其 qí​ (their)

work 事 shì​

to-the-end 終 [终] zhōng​

body 身 shēn​

not 不 bù​

rescued 救 jiù​ (rescue)

see 見 [见] jiàn​

the 其 qí​ (their)

small 小 xiǎo​

to-say 曰 yuē​

enlightened 明 míng​ (enlighten)

keep-to 守 shǒu​

yielding 柔 róu​

to-say 曰 yuē​

strong 強 [强] qiáng​

use 用 yòng​

the 其 qí​ (their)

brightness 光 guāng​ (bright)

again 復 [复] fù​

return-to 歸 [归] guī​ (return)

the 其 qí​ (their)

enlightenment 明 míng​ (enlighten)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

leave-behind 遺 [遗] yí​

body 身 shēn​

disaster 殃 yāng​

it-is 是 shì​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

routine-practice 習 [习] xí​ (practice)

forever 常 cháng​ (always)

第五十三章 Chapter 53  


cause 使 shǐ​

myself 我 wǒ​

forerunner 介 jiè​

so-true 然 rán​

having 有 yǒu​

knowledge 知 zhī​ (know)

taking-steps 行 háng​ (take-steps)

with 於 [于] yú​

great 大 dà​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

only-if 唯 wéi​

step 施 shī​

it-is 是 shì​

fear 畏 wèi​

great 大 dà​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

super 甚 [什] shén​

smooth-and-flat 夷 yí​ (smooth)

and-yet 而 ér​

person 人 rén​

good-at 好 hǎo​

stepping-along-path 徑 [径] jìng​ (step-along-path)

towards 朝 cháo​ (go-all-day)

totally 甚 [什] shén​ (super)

wiped-out 除 chú​ (wipe-away)

fields 田 tián​ (field)

totally 甚 [什] shén​ (super)

weedy 蕪 [芜] wú​

granary 倉 [仓] cāng​

totally 甚 [什] shén​ (super)

empty 虛 [虚] xū​

clothes 服 fú​

writing 文 wén​

bright-colors 綵 [彩] cǎi​

belt-straps 帶 [带] dài​

tools-of-advantage 利 lì​ (benefit)

double-edged-sword 劍 [剑] jiàn (double-edge-sword)

fed-up-with 厭 [厌] yàn​ (fed-up)

drink 飲 [饮] yǐn

food 食 shí​

wealth 財 [财] cái​

money 貨 [货] huò​

having 有 yǒu​

excess 餘 [馀] yú​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

steal 盜 [盗] dào​

and-brag 夸 kuā​ (brag)

not-to-be 非 fēi​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

also 也 yě​ (álso)

! 哉 zāi​

第五十四章 Chapter 54  

good 善 shàn​

established 建 jiàn​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

chased-away 拔 bá​ (chase-away)

good 善 shàn​

embrace 抱 bào​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

separated 脫 [脱] tuō​ (separate)

child 子 zǐ​

grandchild 孫 [孙] sūn

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

ceremony 祭 jì (sacrifice)

worship 祀 si

not 不 bù​

suspend 輟 [辍] chuò

cultivate 修 xiū​

it 之 zhī​

in 於 [于] yú​ (with)

body 身 shēn​

their 其 qí​

virtue 德 dé​

only-then 乃 nǎi​

genuine 真 zhēn​

cultivate 修 xiū​

it 之 zhī​

in 於 [于] yú​ (with)

home 家 jiā​

their 其 qí​

virtue 德 dé​

only-then 乃 nǎi​

excess 餘 [馀] yú​

cultivate 修 xiū​

it 之 zhī​

in 於 [于] yú​ (with)

village 鄉 [乡] xiāng​

their 其 qí​

virtue 德 dé​

only-then 乃 nǎi​

last-long 長 [长] cháng​

cultivate 修 xiū​

it 之 zhī​

in 於 [于] yú​ (with)

nation 邦 bāng

their 其 qí​

virtue 德 dé​

only-then 乃 nǎi​

abundant 豐 [丰] fēng​

cultivate 修 xiū​

it 之 zhī​

in 於 [于] yú​ (with)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

their 其 qí​

virtue 德 dé​

only-then 乃 nǎi​

everywhere 普 pǔ​

therefore 故 gù​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

from-body 身 shēn​ (body)

observe 觀 [观] guàn​

the-body 身 shēn​ (body)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

from-home 家 jiā​ (home)

observe 觀 [观] guàn​

the-home 家 jiā​ (home)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

from-village 鄉 [乡] xiāng​ (village)

observe 觀 [观] guàn​

the-village 鄉 [乡] xiāng​ (village)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

from-nation 邦 bāng (nation)

observe 觀 [观] guàn​

the-nation 邦 bāng (nation)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

from-heaven 天 tiān​ (heaven)

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

observe 觀 [观] guàn​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

I 吾 wú​

why 何 hé​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

know 知 zhī​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

so-true 然 rán​

?! 哉 zāi​ (!)

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

doing-these 此 cǐ​ (this)

第五十五章 Chapter 55  

nursing-on 含 hán​ (nurse-on)

virtue 德 dé​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

richness 厚 hòu​ (thick)

compares 比 bǐ​ (compare)

with 於 [于] yú​

naked 赤 chì

child 子 zǐ​

poisonous 毒 dú​ (poison)

insect 蟲 [虫] chóng

not 不 bù​

sting 螫 shì​

fierce 猛 měng

beast 獸 [兽] shòu

not 不 bù​

strike 據 [据] jù​

snatching 攫 jué​ (snatch)

bird 鳥 [鸟] niǎo​

not 不 bù​

grab-at 摶 [抟] tuán

bones 骨 gǔ​

weak 弱 ruò​

muscle 筋 jīn​

yielding 柔 róu​

and-yet 而 ér​

grip 握 wò​

firm 固 gù​

not-yet 未 wèi​

knowing 知 zhī​ (know)

female 牝 pìn​

and-male 牡 mǔ​ (male)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

unity 合 gě​ (unite)

and-yet 而 ér​

wholely 全 quán​ (whole)

working 作 zuò​

energy 精 jīng​

it 之 zhī​

reaches-extreme 至 zhì​ (reach-extreme)

also 也 yě​ (álso)

to-the-end 終 [终] zhōng​

each-day 日 rì​

wailing 號 [号] háo​ (wail)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

going-hoarse 嗄 á​ (hoarse)

harmony 和 hé​ (harmonize)

it 之 zhī​

reaches-extreme 至 zhì​ (reach-extreme)

also 也 yě​ (álso)

know 知 zhī​

harmony 和 hé​ (harmonize)

to-say 曰 yuē​

forever 常 cháng​ (always)

know 知 zhī​

forever 常 cháng​ (always)

to-say 曰 yuē​

enlightened 明 míng​ (enlighten)

gaining 益 yì​ (gain)

life 生 shēng​

to-say 曰 yuē​

good-luck 祥 xiáng​

heart 心 xīn​


causing 使 shǐ​ (cause)

vital-energy 氣 [气] qì​ (chi)

to-say 曰 yuē​

strong 強 [强] qiáng​

creature 物 wù​

strengthens 壯 [壮] zhuàng​ (strengthen)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

becomes-old 老 lǎo​ (old)

call 謂 [谓] wèi​ (called)

it 之 zhī​

not 不 bù​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

not 不 bù​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

early-morning 早 zǎo​ (early)

already-now 已 yǐ​

第五十六章 Chapter 56  

know 知 zhī​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

speak 言 yán​ (speech)

speak 言 yán​ (speech)

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

know 知 zhī​

bend-back 挫 cuò​

their 其 qí​

sharp-point 銳 [锐] ruì​

untie 解 xiè​

their 其 qí​

tangle 紛 [纷] fēn​

harmonize 和 hé​

their 其 qí​

brightness 光 guāng​ (bright)

join-together 同 tóng​

their 其 qí​

dust 塵 [尘] chén​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

mystery 玄 xuán​

joined-together 同 tóng​ (join-together)

therefore 故 gù​

not 不 bù​

able-to-be 可 kě​ (able-to)

owned 得 dé​ (obtain)

and-yet 而 ér​

favorite-relative 親 [亲] qīn​

not 不 bù​

able-to-be 可 kě​ (able-to)

owned 得 dé​ (obtain)

and-yet 而 ér​

shunned 疏 shū (sparse)

not 不 bù​

able-to-be 可 kě​ (able-to)

owned 得 dé​ (obtain)

and-yet 而 ér​

bribed 利 lì​ (benefit)

not 不 bù​

able-to-be 可 kě​ (able-to)

owned 得 dé​ (obtain)

and-yet 而 ér​

damaged 害 hài​ (damage)

not 不 bù​

able-to-be 可 kě​ (able-to)

owned 得 dé​ (obtain)

and-yet 而 ér​

treasured 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

not 不 bù​

able-to-be 可 kě​ (able-to)

owned 得 dé​ (obtain)

and-yet 而 ér​

unworthy 賤 [贱] jiàn​

therefore 故 gù​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

treasure 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

第五十七章 Chapter 57  

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

uprighting 正 zhēng​ (upright)

bringing-order-to 治 zhì​ (bring-order)

nation 國 [国] guó​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

not-normally 奇 jī​ (out-of-place)

using 用 yòng​ (use)

weapon 兵 bīng​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

to-work 事 shì​ (work)

take 取 qǔ​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

I 吾 wú​

why 何 hé​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

know 知 zhī​

this 其 qí​ (their)

so-true 然 rán​

? 哉 zāi​ (!)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

these 此 cǐ​ (this)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

adding-more 多 duō​ (more)

restrictions 忌 jì (must-avoid)

taboos 諱 [讳] huì (taboo)

and-yet 而 ér​

people 民 mín​

fully 彌 [弥] mí​ (full)

impoverished 貧 [贫] pín

people 民 mín​

adding-more 多 duō​ (more)

treasures 利 lì​ (benefit)

and-vessels 器 qì​ (vessel)

nation 國 [国] guó​

and-home 家 jiā​ (home)

increasingly 滋 zī​ (increase)

dazed 昏 hūn​

persons 人 rén​ (person)

more 多 duō​

craft 伎 jì​

and-expertise 巧 qiǎo​ (skill)

weird 奇 jī​ (out-of-place)

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

shine 泫 xuan (glisten)

and-rise-up 起 qǐ​ (rise)

follows-plan 法 fǎ​ (follow-plan)

causing 令 líng​ (cause-of)

clearly 滋 zī​ (increase)

more-obvious 彰 zhāng​ (obvious)

stealing 盜 [盗] dào​ (steal)

thievery 賊 [贼] zéi​ (thief)

more 多 duō​

having 有 yǒu​

therefore 故 gù​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

to-say 云 yún​ (say)

myself 我 wǒ​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

to-act 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

and-yet 而 ér​

people 民 mín​

oneself 自 zì​

transform 化 huā​

myself 我 wǒ​

good-at 好 hǎo​

calming 靜 [静] jìng​ (calm)

and-yet 而 ér​

people 民 mín​

oneself 自 zì​

become-upright 正 zhēng​ (upright)

myself 我 wǒ​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

hard-work 事 shì​ (work)

and-yet 而 ér​

people 民 mín​

oneself 自 zì​

wealthy 富 fù​

myself 我 wǒ​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

wanting 欲 yù​ (want)

and-yet 而 ér​

people 民 mín​

oneself 自 zì​

uncarved-wood 樸 [朴] pǔ​

第五十八章 Chapter 58  

the 其 qí​ (their)

government 政 zhèng​

lazy 悶 [闷] mēn​ (dull)

lazy 悶 [闷] mēn​ (dull)

the 其 qí​ (their)

people 民 mín​

honest 淳 chún​

honest 淳 chún​

the 其 qí​ (their)

government 政 zhèng​

prying 察 chá (notice)

prying 察 chá (notice)

the 其 qí​ (their)

people 民 mín​

lacking 缺 quē​ (lack)

lacking 缺 quē​ (lack)

bad-fortune 禍 [祸] huò​

but-yet 尚 shàng​ (upholding)

good-fortune 福 fú​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

place 所 suǒ​

relies-on 倚 yǐ​ (rely-on)

good-fortune 福 fú​

but-yet 尚 shàng​ (upholding)

bad-fortune 禍 [祸] huò​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

place 所 suǒ​

hides-in-wait 伏 fú​ (hiding-in-wait)

who 孰 shú​

knows 知 zhī​ (know)

the 其 qí​ (their)

extremeness-of 極 [极] jí​ (extreme)

their 其 qí​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

uprightness? 正 zhēng​ (upright)

upright 正 zhēng​

again 復 [复] fù​

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

out-of-place 奇 jī​

good 善 shàn​

again 復 [复] fù​

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

devious 妖 yāo

people 人 rén​ (person)

they 之 zhī​ (it)

confused 迷 mí​

their 其 qí​

whole-day 日 rì​ (each-day)

firmly 固 gù​ (firm)

for-a-long-time 久 jiǔ​ (long-time)

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

square 方 fāng​

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

cutting-off 割 gē​ (cut-off)

honorable 廉 lián​

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

injuring 劌 [刿] guì​ (stab)

straight 直 zhí​

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

unrestrained 肆 sì​

bright 光 guāng​

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

dazzling 燿 yào​ (dazzle)

第五十九章 Chapter 59  

bringing-order-to 治 zhì​ (bring-order)

to-people 人 rén​ (person)

work-of 事 shì​ (work)

heaven 天 tiān​

none-who 莫 mò​

as-like 若 ruò​ (as-if)

thrifty 嗇 [啬] sè​

man 夫 fū​

only-if 唯 wéi​

thrifty 嗇 [啬] sè​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

early 早 zǎo​

dressed 服 fú​ (clothes)

early 早 zǎo​

dressed 服 fú​ (clothes)

call 謂 [谓] wèi​ (called)

it 之 zhī​

heavily 重 chóng​ (heavy)

accumulate 積 [积] jī​

virtue 德 dé​

heavily 重 chóng​ (heavy)

accumulate 積 [积] jī​

virtue 德 dé​

consequently 則 [则] zé​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

not 不 bù​

overcome 克 kè

not-having 無 [无] wú​

not 不 bù​

overcome 克 kè

consequently 則 [则] zé​

none-who 莫 mò​

know 知 zhī​

their 其 qí​

limits 極 [极] jí​ (extreme)

none-who 莫 mò​

know 知 zhī​

their 其 qí​

limits 極 [极] jí​ (extreme)

able 可 kě​ (able-to)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

having 有 yǒu​

nation 國 [国] guó​

having 有 yǒu​

nation 國 [国] guó​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

mother 母 mǔ​

able 可 kě​ (able-to)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

last-long 長 [长] cháng​

long-time 久 jiǔ​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

deep 深 shēn​

root 根 gēn​

solid 固 gù​ (firm)

base 柢 dǐ​

last-long 長 [长] cháng​

live 生 shēng​ (life)

long-time 久 jiǔ​

following-example-of 視 [视] shì​ (look)

the 之 zhī​ (it)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

第六十章 Chapter 60  

bringing-order-to 治 zhì​ (bring-order)

great 大 dà​

nation 國 [国] guó​

as-if 若 ruò​

cooking 烹 peng (cook)

small 小 xiǎo​

delicacy 鮮 [鲜] xiān

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

manages 蒞 [莅] lì​ (manage)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

their 其 qí​

spirit-being 鬼 guǐ​

not 不 bù​

lively-spirit 神 shén​

not-so 非 fēi​ (not-to-be)

their 其 qí​

spirit-being 鬼 guǐ​

not 不 bù​

lively-spirit 神 shén​

their 其 qí​

lively-spirit 神 shén​

not 不 bù​

injure 傷 [伤] shāng​

person 人 rén​

not-so 非 fēi​ (not-to-be)

their 其 qí​

lively-spirit 神 shén​

not 不 bù​

injure 傷 [伤] shāng​

person 人 rén​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

also 亦 yì​

not 不 bù​

injure 傷 [伤] shāng​

person 人 rén​

man 夫 fū​

both 兩 [两] liǎng​

not 不 bù​

each-other 相 xiāng​

injure 傷 [伤] shāng​

therefore 故 gù​

virtue-of 德 dé​ (virtue)

freindliness 交 jiāo​ (friend)

returns 歸 [归] guī​ (return)

there 焉 yān​ (where)

第六十一章 Chapter 61  

great 大 dà​

nation 國 [国] guó​

one-who 者 zhě​

down 下 xià​ (below)

stream 流 liú

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

friend 交 jiāo​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

female 牝 pìn​

female 牝 pìn​

always 常 cháng​

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

calmness 靜 [静] jìng​ (calm)

captures 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

male 牡 mǔ​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

calmness 靜 [静] jìng​ (calm)

acts 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

below 下 xià​

therefore 故 gù​

great 大 dà​

nation 國 [国] guó​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

lowers-below 下 xià​ (below)

small 小 xiǎo​

nation 國 [国] guó​

consequently 則 [则] zé​

takes 取 qǔ​ (take)

small 小 xiǎo​

nation 國 [国] guó​

small 小 xiǎo​

nation 國 [国] guó​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

below 下 xià​

great 大 dà​

nation 國 [国] guó​

consequently 則 [则] zé​

takes 取 qǔ​ (take)

great 大 dà​

nation 國 [国] guó​

therefore 故 gù​

maybe 或 huò​

lowering 下 xià​ (below)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

take 取 qǔ​

maybe 或 huò​

below 下 xià​

and-yet 而 ér​

take 取 qǔ​

great 大 dà​

nation 國 [国] guó​

not 不 bù​

pass-up 過 [过] guò​ (passing)

wanting-to 欲 yù​ (want)

hold-together 兼 jiān​

and-nourish 畜 chù​ (nourish)

people 人 rén​ (person)

small 小 xiǎo​

nation 國 [国] guó​

not 不 bù​

pass-up 過 [过] guò​ (passing)

wanting 欲 yù​ (want)

place-of 入 rù​ (place-enter)

work 事 shì​

people 人 rén​ (person)

man 夫 fū​

both 兩 [两] liǎng​

one-who 者 zhě​

all-each 各 gè​

obtain 得 dé​

place-of 所 suǒ​ (place)

want 欲 yù​

great 大 dà​

one-who 者 zhě​

properly 宜 yí​ (proper)

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

below 下 xià​

第六十二章 Chapter 62  

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

one-who 者 zhě​

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creatures 物 wù​ (creature)

their 之 zhī​ (it)

secret-compartment 奧 [奥] ào​

good 善 shàn​

person 人 rén​

s 之 zhī​ (it)

treasure 寶 [宝] bǎo​

not 不 bù​

good 善 shàn​

person 人 rén​

s 之 zhī​ (it)

place 所 suǒ​

take-care-of 保 bǎo​ (maintain)

delightful 美 měi​ (delight)

speech 言 yán​

able 可 kě​ (able-to)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

sell-at-the-market 市 shì​ (sell)

and-gain-respect 尊 zūn​ (respect)

delightful 美 měi​ (delight)

taking-steps 行 háng​ (take-steps)

able 可 kě​ (able-to)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

raise-up 加 jiā​ (reinforce)

person 人 rén​

person 人 rén​

they 之 zhī​ (it)

not 不 bù​

good 善 shàn​

why 何 hé​

abandon 棄 [弃] qì​

them? 之 zhī​ (it)

having 有 yǒu​

therefore 故 gù​

standing-up 立 lì​ (stand)

heavens 天 tiān​ (heaven)

child 子 zǐ​

installing 置 zhì​ (install)

the-three 三 sān​ (three)

public-officials 公 gōng​ (public-official)

although 雖 [虽] suī​

having 有 yǒu​

saluting 拱 gǒng (salute)

honoring-with-jade-bi 璧 bì (jade-bi)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

being-in-front-of 先 xiān​ (first-and-before)

team-of-four-horses 駟 [驷] sì​

horse 馬 [马] mǎ​

not 不 bù​

like 如 rú​

sitting-there 坐 zuò​ (sit)

and-advancing 進 [进] jìn​ (advance)

the 此 cǐ​ (this)

Way 道 dào​

ancient 古 gǔ​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

place 所 suǒ​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

valuing 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

these 此 cǐ​ (this)

Ways 道 dào​ (Way)

one-who 者 zhě​

why? 何 hé​ (why)

not 不 bù​

to-say 曰 yuē​

seeking 求 qiú (seek)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

to-obtain 得 dé​ (obtain)

having 有 yǒu​

crime 罪 zuì (guilty)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

avoid 免 miǎn (evade)

being-out-of-place? 邪 xié (naturally-wrong)

therefore 故 gù​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

treasure 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

第六十三章 Chapter 63  

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

to-act 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

work-as 事 shì​ (work)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

to-work 事 shì​ (work)

taste-as 味 wèi​ (taste)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

to-taste 味 wèi​ (taste)

make-great 大 dà​ (great)

the-small 小 xiǎo​ (small)

make-more 多 duō​ (more)

the-less 少 shǎo​ (less)

punish 報 [报] bào (repay)

hatred 怨 yuàn​ (resentment)

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

being-virtuous 德 dé​ (virtue)

plan 圖 [图] tú​ (map-out)

the-difficult 難 [难] nán​ (difficult)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

their 其 qí​

easy 易 yì​

perform 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

the-great 大 dà​ (great)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

their 其 qí​

puny 細 [细] xì​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

difficult 難 [难] nán​

work 事 shì​

surely-must 必 bì​

work 作 zuò​ (working)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

the-easy 易 yì​ (easy)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

great 大 dà​

work 事 shì​

surely-must 必 bì​

work 作 zuò​ (working)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

the-puny 細 [细] xì​ (puny)

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

to-the-end 終 [终] zhōng​

not 不 bù​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

great 大 dà​

therefore 故 gù​

capable-of 能 néng​

complete 成 chéng​

their 其 qí​

greatness 大 dà​ (great)

man 夫 fū​

lightly 輕 [轻] qīng​ (light)

makes-promise 諾 [诺] nuò​ (promise)

surely-must 必 bì​

lacks 寡 guǎ​ (lacking)

honesty 信 xìn​ (true)

more 多 duō​

easy 易 yì​

surely-must-consider-as 必 bì​ (surely-must)

more 多 duō​

difficult 難 [难] nán​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

acts-like 猶 [犹] yóu​ (act-like)

difficult 難 [难] nán​

they 之 zhī​ (it)

therefore 故 gù​

to-the-end 終 [终] zhōng​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

difficulty 難 [难] nán​ (difficult)

! 矣 yǐ​ (.)

第六十四章 Chapter 64  

the 其 qí​ (their)

peaceful 安 ān​

easily 易 yì​ (easy)

held 持 chí​ (to-hold)

the 其 qí​ (their)

not-yet 未 wèi​

fortold 兆 zhào​ (see-sign)

easily 易 yì​ (easy)

planned 謀 [谋] móu​ (plan)

the 其 qí​ (their)

frail 脆 cuì​

easily 易 yì​ (easy)

dissolved 泮 pàn​ (dissolve)

the 其 qí​ (their)

tiny 微 wēi​

easily 易 yì​ (easy)

dispersed 散 sǎn​ (disperse)

act-on 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

that 之 zhī​ (it)

which 於 [于] yú​ (with)

not-yet 未 wèi​

having 有 yǒu​

bring-to-order 治 zhì​ (bring-order)

that 之 zhī​ (it)

which 於 [于] yú​ (with)

not-yet 未 wèi​

chaos 亂 [乱] luàn​ (confusion)

closed 合 gě​ (unite)

embrace 抱 bào​

-sized 之 zhī​ (it)

tree 木 mù​

grows 生 shēng​ (life)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

slightest-part-of 毫 háo​ (least)

tree-top 末 mò​ (top-of-tree)

nine 九 jiǔ​

floor 層 [层] céng​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

tower 臺 [台] tái​

rises 起 qǐ​ (rise)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

heap 累 lěi​

of-dirt 土 tǔ​ (dirt)

a-thousand 千 qiān (thousand)

half-kilometer 里 lǐ (mile)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

march 行 háng​ (take-steps)

begins 始 shǐ​ (beginning)

with 於 [于] yú​

foot 足 jù​ (enough)

below 下 xià​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

one-who 者 zhě​

fails-at 敗 [败] bài​ (fail)

it 之 zhī​

grasp-at 執 [执] zhí​ (grasp)

one-who 者 zhě​

loses 失 shī​ (lose)

it 之 zhī​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

act 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

therefore 故 gù​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

fail 敗 [败] bài​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

grasp-at 執 [执] zhí​ (grasp)

therefore 故 gù​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

lose 失 shī​

people 民 mín​

they 之 zhī​ (it)

engaged-in 從 [从] cóng​ (through)

work 事 shì​

always 常 cháng​

with 於 [于] yú​

nearly 幾 [几] jī​ (how-near)

complete 成 chéng​

and-yet 而 ér​

fail-at 敗 [败] bài​ (fail)

it 之 zhī​

careful 慎 shèn​

to-the-end 終 [终] zhōng​

like 如 rú​

in-the-beginning 始 shǐ​ (beginning)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

fail-at 敗 [败] bài​ (fail)

work 事 shì​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

wants 欲 yù​ (want)

not 不 bù​

to-want 欲 yù​ (want)

not 不 bù​

values 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

difficult 難 [难] nán​

to-obtain 得 dé​ (obtain)

the 之 zhī​ (it)

money 貨 [货] huò​

learns-to 學 [学] xué​ (learn)

not 不 bù​

learn 學 [学] xué​

again 復 [复] fù​

many 眾 [众] zhòng (many-people)

person 人 rén​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

place 所 suǒ​

passing-by 過 [过] guò​ (passing)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

enabling 輔 [辅] fǔ​ (enable)

ten-thousand 萬 [万] wàn​

creature 物 wù​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

oneself 自 zì​

so-true 然 rán​

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

daring 敢 gǎn​ (dare)

to-act 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

第六十五章 Chapter 65  

ancient 古 gǔ​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

good 善 shàn​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

one-who 者 zhě​

not-to-be 非 fēi​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

enlighten 明 míng​

people 民 mín​

will 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

make-simple 愚 yú​ (simple-minded)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

people 民 mín​

they 之 zhī​ (it)

difficult 難 [难] nán​

to-bring-to-order 治 zhì​ (bring-order)

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

their 其 qí​

knowing 智 zhì​ (knowledge)

more 多 duō​

therefore 故 gù​

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

knowledge 智 zhì​

bring-to-order 治 zhì​ (bring-order)

the-nation 國 [国] guó​ (nation)

nation 國 [国] guó​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

thief 賊 [贼] zéi​

not 不 bù​

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

knowledge 智 zhì​

bringing-to-order 治 zhì​ (bring-order)

the-nation 國 [国] guó​ (nation)

nation 國 [国] guó​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

good-fortune 福 fú​

know 知 zhī​

these 此 cǐ​ (this)

both 兩 [两] liǎng​

one-who 者 zhě​

also 亦 yì​

perfect 稽 jī

model 式 shì​

always 常 cháng​

knowing 知 zhī​ (know)

perfect 稽 jī

model 式 shì​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

mystery 玄 xuán​

virtue 德 dé​

mysterious 玄 xuán​ (mystery)

virtue 德 dé​

deep 深 shēn​

! 矣 yǐ​ (.)

distant 遠 [远] yuǎn​

! 矣 yǐ​ (.)

along-side 與 [与] yú​

creature 物 wù​

reversing 反 fǎn​ (reverse)

! 矣 yǐ​ (.)

so-true 然 rán​

following-behind 後 [后] hòu​ (behind)

only-then 乃 nǎi​

reach-extreme 至 zhì​

great 大 dà​

obediance 順 [顺] shùn​ (obey)

第六十六章 Chapter 66  

large-river 江 jiāng

and-sea 海 hǎi​ (sea)

their 之 zhī​ (it)

placement 所 suǒ​ (place)

as-such 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

capable-of 能 néng​

acting-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

hundred 百 bǎi

valley's 谷 gǔ​ (valley)

king 王 wáng​

one-who 者 zhě​

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

their 其 qí​

being-good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

being-below 下 xià​ (below)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

therefore 故 gù​

capable-of 能 néng​

acting-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

hundred 百 bǎi

valley's 谷 gǔ​ (valley)

king 王 wáng​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

wanting-to 欲 yù​ (want)

be-above 上 shǎng​ (above)

the-people 民 mín​ (people)

surely-must 必 bì​

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

speech 言 yán​

be-below 下 xià​ (below)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

wanting 欲 yù​ (want)

to-lead 先 xiān​ (first-and-before)

the-people 民 mín​ (people)

surely-must 必 bì​

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

body 身 shēn​

be-behind 後 [后] hòu​ (behind)

them 之 zhī​ (it)

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

resides-with 處 [处] chǔ​ (reside-with)

above 上 shǎng​

and-yet 而 ér​

the-people 民 mín​ (people)

not 不 bù​

heavily-burdened 重 chóng​ (heavy)

reside-with 處 [处] chǔ​

the-front 前 qián​ (ahead)

and-yet 而 ér​

the-people 民 mín​ (people)

not 不 bù​

harmed 害 hài​ (damage)

it-is 是 shì​

thereby 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

enjoys 樂 [乐] lè​ (enjoy)

pushing-onward 推 tuī​ (push-forward)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

fed-up-with 厭 [厌] yàn​ (fed-up)

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

their 其 qí​

not 不 bù​

contending 爭 [争] zhēng​ (contend)

therefore 故 gù​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

none-who 莫 mò​

capable-of 能 néng​

along-side 與 [与] yú​

them 之 zhī​ (it)

contend 爭 [争] zhēng​

第六十七章 Chapter 67  

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

everyone 皆 jiē​

calls 謂 [谓] wèi​ (called)

my 我 wǒ​ (myself)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

great 大 dà​

described-as 似 sì​ (describe-as)

not 不 bù​

fading-away 肖 xiào​ (resemble)

man 夫 fū​

only-if 唯 wéi​

great 大 dà​

therefore 故 gù​

described-as 似 sì​ (describe-as)

not 不 bù​

fading-away 肖 xiào​ (resemble)

if 若 ruò​ (as-if)

fading-away 肖 xiào​ (resemble)

a-long-time 久 jiǔ​ (long-time)

! 矣 yǐ​ (.)

its 其 qí​ (their)

becoming-puny 細 [细] xì​ (puny)

also! 也 yě​ (álso)

man 夫 fū​

myself 我 wǒ​

having 有 yǒu​

three 三 sān​

treasures 寶 [宝] bǎo​ (treasure)

to-hold 持 chí​

and 而 ér​ (and-yet)

maintain 保 bǎo​

them 之 zhī​ (it)

one 一 yī​

to-say 曰 yuē​

motherly-love 慈 cí​

two 二 èr​

to-say 曰 yuē​

frugality 儉 [俭] jiǎn​ (frugal)

three 三 sān​

to-say 曰 yuē​

not 不 bù​

dare 敢 gǎn​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

first-and-before 先 xiān​

motherly-love 慈 cí​

therefore 故 gù​

capable-of 能 néng​

bravery 勇 yǒng​ (brave)

frugal 儉 [俭] jiǎn​

therefore 故 gù​

capable-of 能 néng​

expanding 廣 [广] guǎng​ (expansive)

not 不 bù​

daring-to 敢 gǎn​ (dare)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

first-and-before 先 xiān​

therefore 故 gù​

capable-of 能 néng​

completing 成 chéng​ (complete)

vessel 器 qì​

lasting-long-time 長 [长] cháng​ (last-long)

now 今 jīn​

give-up 舍 shè​

motherly-love 慈 cí​

furthermore 且 qiě​

brave 勇 yǒng​

give-up 舍 shè​

frugalality 儉 [俭] jiǎn​ (frugal)

furthermore 且 qiě​

expand 廣 [广] guǎng​ (expansive)

give-up 舍 shè​

being-behind 後 [后] hòu​ (behind)

furthermore 且 qiě​

being-in-front 先 xiān​ (first-and-before)

die 死 sǐ​

! 矣 yǐ​ (.)

man 夫 fū​

with-motherly-love 慈 cí​ (motherly-love)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

in-battle 戰 [战] zhàn​ (battle)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

captures 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

keep-to 守 shǒu​

consequently 則 [则] zé​

firmly 固 gù​ (firm)

heaven 天 tiān​

will 將 [将] jiāng​ (will-command)

rescue 救 jiù​

them 之 zhī​ (it)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

motherly-love 慈 cí​

protect 衛 [卫] wèi​

them 之 zhī​ (it)

第六十八章 Chapter 68  

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

scholar 士 shì​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

warlike 武 wǔ​

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

battling 戰 [战] zhàn​ (battle)

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

rage 怒 nù​

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

capturing 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

enemy 敵 [敌] dí​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

in-their-face 與 [与] yú​ (along-side)

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

using 用 yòng​ (use)

person 人 rén​

one-who 者 zhě​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

their 之 zhī​ (it)

below 下 xià​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

not 不 bù​

contending 爭 [争] zhēng​ (contend)

its 之 zhī​ (it)

virtue 德 dé​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

using 用 yòng​ (use)

person 人 rén​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

power 力 lì​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

joining 配 pèi​ (join)

heavenly 天 tiān​ (heaven)

ancient 古 gǔ​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

throne 極 [极] jí​ (extreme)

第六十九章 Chapter 69  

use-of 用 yòng​ (use)

weapons 兵 bīng​ (weapon)

having 有 yǒu​

these-words 言 yán​ (speech)

I 吾 wú​

not 不 bù​

daring-to 敢 gǎn​ (dare)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

owner 主 zhǔ​

and-yet 而 ér​

being 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

the-visitor 客 kè​ (visitor)

not 不 bù​

daring-to 敢 gǎn​ (dare)

advance 進 [进] jìn​

an-inch 寸 cùn​

and-yet 而 ér​


retreating 退 tuì​ (retreat)

a-foot 尺 chě​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

taking-steps 行 háng​ (take-steps)

without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

taking-steps 行 háng​ (take-steps)

pushing-up-sleeves 攘 rǎng​ (push-up-sleeve)

without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

arms 臂 bì​ (arm)

demolishing 扔 rēng​ (throw)

without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

enemy 敵 [敌] dí​

arresting 執 [执] zhí​ (grasp)

without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

weapon 兵 bīng​

bad-fortune 禍 [祸] huò​

none-who's 莫 mò​ (none-who)

great 大 dà​

as 於 [于] yú​ (with)

making-light-of 輕 [轻] qīng​ (light)

enemy 敵 [敌] dí​

making-light-of 輕 [轻] qīng​ (light)

enemy 敵 [敌] dí​

how-near-to 幾 [几] jī​ (how-near)

mourning 喪 [丧] sāng​

my 吾 wú​ (I)

treasures 寶 [宝] bǎo​ (treasure)

therefore 故 gù​

fighting-with 抗 kàng​ (fight)

weapons 兵 bīng​ (weapon)

each-other 相 xiāng​

adding-reinforcements 加 jiā​ (reinforce)

sorrowful 哀 āi​ (sorrow)

one-who 者 zhě​

captures 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

! 矣 yǐ​ (.)

第七十章 Chapter 70  

my 吾 wú​ (I)

sayings 言 yán​ (speech)

super 甚 [什] shén​

easy 易 yì​

to-understand 知 zhī​ (know)

super 甚 [什] shén​

easy 易 yì​

to-take-steps 行 háng​ (take-steps)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

none-who 莫 mò​

capable-of 能 néng​

knowing 知 zhī​ (know)

none-who 莫 mò​

capable-of 能 néng​

taking-steps 行 háng​ (take-steps)

sayings 言 yán​ (speech)

have 有 yǒu​ (having)

ancestors 宗 zōng​ (ancestor)

workings 事 shì​ (work)

have 有 yǒu​ (having)

rulers 君 jūn​ (ruler)

man 夫 fū​

only-if 唯 wéi​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

know 知 zhī​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

I 我 wǒ​ (myself)

not 不 bù​

know 知 zhī​

knowing 知 zhī​ (know)

yourself 我 wǒ​ (myself)

one-who 者 zhě​

rare 希 xī​

consequently 則 [则] zé​

yourself 我 wǒ​ (myself)

one-who 者 zhě​

valued 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

wears 被 bèi​ (wear)

coarse-woolen-cloth 褐 hè​

carries-in-heart 懷 [怀] huái​ (carry-in-heart)

jade 玉 yù​

第七十一章 Chapter 71  

knowing 知 zhī​ (know)

not 不 bù​

know 知 zhī​

above 上 shǎng​

not 不 bù​

know 知 zhī​

knowing 知 zhī​ (know)

sick 病 bìng​

man 夫 fū​

only-if 唯 wéi​

sick-of 病 bìng​ (sick)

sickness 病 bìng​ (sick)

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

not 不 bù​

sick 病 bìng​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

not 不 bù​

sick 病 bìng​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

their 其 qí​

sick-of 病 bìng​ (sick)

sickness 病 bìng​ (sick)

man 夫 fū​

only-if 唯 wéi​

sick-of 病 bìng​ (sick)

sickness 病 bìng​ (sick)

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

not 不 bù​

sick 病 bìng​

第七十二章 Chapter 72  

people 民 mín​

not 不 bù​

fear 畏 wèi​

dominating-power 威 wēi​

consequently 則 [则] zé​

great 大 dà​

dominating-power 威 wēi​

reach-extreme 至 zhì​

without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

disrespecting 狎 xiá​ (disrespect)

their 其 qí​

place 所 suǒ​

visit 居 jū​ (sit-with)

without 無 [无] wú​ (not-having)

feeding-up 厭 [厌] yàn​ (fed-up)

their 其 qí​

place 所 suǒ​

live 生 shēng​ (life)

man 夫 fū​

only-if 唯 wéi​

not 不 bù​

fed-up-by 厭 [厌] yàn​ (fed-up)

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

not 不 bù​

fed-up-with 厭 [厌] yàn​ (fed-up)

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

oneself 自 zì​

know 知 zhī​

not 不 bù​

oneself 自 zì​

see 見 [见] jiàn​

oneself 自 zì​

love 愛 [爱] ài​

not 不 bù​

oneself 自 zì​

value 貴 [贵] guì​

therefore 故 gù​

leave-from 去 qù​

those 彼 bǐ​

take 取 qǔ​

these 此 cǐ​ (this)

第七十三章 Chapter 73  

bravery 勇 yǒng​ (brave)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

daring 敢 gǎn​ (dare)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

kills 殺 [杀] shā​ (kill)

bravery 勇 yǒng​ (brave)

from 於 [于] yú​ (with)

not 不 bù​

daring 敢 gǎn​ (dare)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

saves-life 活 huó​ (save-life)

these 此 cǐ​ (this)

both 兩 [两] liǎng​

one-who 者 zhě​

either 或 huò​ (maybe)

benefit 利 lì​

or 或 huò​ (maybe)

damage 害 hài​

heaven 天 tiān​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

place 所 suǒ​

repulsed-by 惡 [恶] ě​ (repulse)

who 孰 shú​

knows 知 zhī​ (know)

the 其 qí​ (their)

reason? 故 gù​ (therefore)

heaven 天 tiān​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

not 不 bù​

contending 爭 [争] zhēng​ (contend)

and-yet 而 ér​

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

capturing 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

not 不 bù​

speaking 言 yán​ (speech)

and-yet 而 ér​

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

responding 應 [应] yìng​ (respond)

not 不 bù​

summoning 召 shào​ (summon)

and-yet 而 ér​

oneself 自 zì​

returns-to 來 [来] lái (return-to)

at-ease 繟 chan

so-true 然 rán​

and-yet 而 ér​

good-at 善 shàn​ (good)

planning 謀 [谋] móu​ (plan)

heavens 天 tiān​ (heaven)

net 網 [网] wǎng

vast 恢 huī

vast 恢 huī

and-sparsely-tied 疏 shū (sparse)

and-yet 而 ér​

doesn't 不 bù​ (not)

lose 失 shī​

第七十四章 Chapter 74  

people 民 mín​

not 不 bù​

fear 畏 wèi​

death 死 sǐ​ (die)

how 奈 nài​

why 何 hé​

by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

death 死 sǐ​ (die)

threaten 懼 [惧] jù​ (frighten)

them? 之 zhī​ (it)

assume 若 ruò​ (as-if)


cause 使 shǐ​

people 民 mín​

always 常 cháng​

fear 畏 wèi​

death 死 sǐ​ (die)

and-yet 而 ér​

act 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

out-of-place 奇 jī​

one-who 者 zhě​

I 吾 wú​

seize 得 dé​ (obtain)

arrest 執 [执] zhí​ (grasp)

and 而 ér​ (and-yet)

kill 殺 [杀] shā​

them 之 zhī​ (it)

who-would 孰 shú​ (who)

dare? 敢 gǎn​ (dare)

always 常 cháng​

have 有 yǒu​ (having)

official 司 sī​

killing 殺 [杀] shā​ (kill)

one-who 者 zhě​

kill 殺 [杀] shā​

man 夫 fū​

represent 代 dài​

official 司 sī​

killing 殺 [杀] shā​ (kill)

one-who 者 zhě​

kill 殺 [杀] shā​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

represent 代 dài​

great 大 dà​

craftsman 匠 jiàng​

carving-wood 斲 zhuó​ (carve-wood)

man 夫 fū​

represent 代 dài​

great 大 dà​

craftsman 匠 jiàng​

carving-wood 斲 zhuó​ (carve-wood)

one-who 者 zhě​

rarely 希 xī​ (rare)

having 有 yǒu​

not 不 bù​

injure 傷 [伤] shāng​

their 其 qí​

hand 手 shǒu​

! 矣 yǐ​ (.)

第七十五章 Chapter 75  

people 民 mín​

they're 之 zhī​ (it)

hungry 饑 [饥] qi

because 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

their 其 qí​

rulers 上 shǎng​ (above)

food 食 shí​

tax 稅 [税] shuì​

them 之 zhī​ (it)

much 多 duō​ (more)

it-is 是 shì​

reason-for 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

hungry 饑 [饥] qi

people 民 mín​

they're 之 zhī​ (it)

difficult 難 [难] nán​

to-bring-to-order 治 zhì​ (bring-order)

because 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

their 其 qí​

rulers 上 shǎng​ (above)

they 之 zhī​ (it)

having 有 yǒu​

take-action 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

difficult 難 [难] nán​

to-bring-order 治 zhì​ (bring-order)

people 民 mín​

they're 之 zhī​ (it)

light-about 輕 [轻] qīng​ (light)

death 死 sǐ​ (die)

because 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

they 其 qí​ (their)

seek 求 qiú

life 生 shēng​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

richness 厚 hòu​ (thick)

it-is 是 shì​

reason-for 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

light-about 輕 [轻] qīng​ (light)

death 死 sǐ​ (die)

man 夫 fū​

only-if 唯 wéi​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

this-way 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

live 生 shēng​ (life)

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

one-who 者 zhě​

it-is 是 shì​

worthy-person 賢 [贤] xián​

with 於 [于] yú​

valued 貴 [贵] guì​ (value)

life 生 shēng​

第七十六章 Chapter 76  

person 人 rén​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

life 生 shēng​

also 也 yě​ (álso)

yielding 柔 róu​

and-weak 弱 ruò​ (weak)

their 其 qí​

dead 死 sǐ​ (die)

also 也 yě​ (álso)

unyielding 堅 [坚] jiān​

and-strong 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

grass 草 cǎo

and-trees 木 mù​ (tree)

they 之 zhī​ (it)

come-to-life 生 shēng​ (life)

also 也 yě​ (álso)

yielding 柔 róu​

and-frail 脆 cuì​ (frail)

their 其 qí​

dead 死 sǐ​ (die)

also 也 yě​ (álso)

dried 枯 kū

and-withered 槁 gǎo (withered)

therefore 故 gù​

unyielding 堅 [坚] jiān​

and-strong 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

one-who 者 zhě​

death 死 sǐ​ (die)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

follower 徒 tú​

yielding 柔 róu​

and-weak 弱 ruò​ (weak)

one-who 者 zhě​

life 生 shēng​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

follower 徒 tú​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

using-weapon 兵 bīng​ (weapon)

to-become-strong 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

extinguished 滅 [灭] miè​ (extinguish)

tree 木 mù​

becomes-strong 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

broken 折 zhé (fold)

strong 強 [强] qiáng​

and-great 大 dà​ (great)

resides-with 處 [处] chǔ​ (reside-with)

below 下 xià​

yielding 柔 róu​

and-weak 弱 ruò​ (weak)

resides-with 處 [处] chǔ​ (reside-with)

above 上 shǎng​

第七十七章 Chapter 77  

heaven 天 tiān​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

it 其 qí​ (their)

acts-like 猶 [犹] yóu​ (act-like)

spreading-out 張 [张] zhāng​ (spread-out)

bow 弓 gōng​

along-side 與 [与] yú​

higher-up 高 gāo​ (higher)

one-who 者 zhě​

lowering 抑 yì​ (lower)

it 之 zhī​

below 下 xià​

one-who 者 zhě​

raising 舉 [举] jǔ​ (raise)

it 之 zhī​

having 有 yǒu​

excess 餘 [馀] yú​

one-who 者 zhě​

reducing 損 [损] sǔn​ (lose)

it 之 zhī​

not 不 bù​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

one-who 者 zhě​

adding-to 補 [补] bǔ​ (make-up-for)

it 之 zhī​

heaven 天 tiān​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

losing 損 [损] sǔn​ (lose)

having 有 yǒu​

excess 餘 [馀] yú​

and 而 ér​ (and-yet)

making-up-for 補 [补] bǔ​ (make-up-for)

not 不 bù​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

person 人 rén​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

consequently 則 [则] zé​

not 不 bù​

so-true 然 rán​

losing 損 [损] sǔn​ (lose)

not 不 bù​

having-enough 足 jù​ (enough)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

offering-to 奉 fèng​ (offer-to)

having 有 yǒu​

excess 餘 [馀] yú​

who 孰 shú​

capable-of 能 néng​

having 有 yǒu​

excess 餘 [馀] yú​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

offering-to 奉 fèng​ (offer-to)

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below? 下 xià​ (below)

only-if 唯 wéi​

having 有 yǒu​

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

one-who 者 zhě​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

acts-as 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

depends-on 恃 shì​ (depend-on)

achievements 功 gōng​ (achievement)

complete 成 chéng​

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

residing-with 處 [处] chǔ​ (reside-with)

their 其 qí​

not 不 bù​

wanting 欲 yù​ (want)

to-be-seen 見 [见] jiàn​ (see)

virtuous 賢 [贤] xián​ (worthy-person)

or-out-of-place 邪 xié (naturally-wrong)

第七十八章 Chapter 78  

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

none-who's 莫 mò​ (none-who)

yielding 柔 róu​

and-weak 弱 ruò​ (weak)

as 於 [于] yú​ (with)

water 水 shuǐ​

and-yet 而 ér​

attacking 攻 gōng​ (attack)

unyielding 堅 [坚] jiān​

and-strong 強 [强] qiáng​ (strong)

one-who 者 zhě​

none-who's 莫 mò​ (none-who)

they're 之 zhī​ (it)

as-capable-of 能 néng​ (capable-of)

capturing 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

so-by 以 yǐ​ (so-thereby)

its 其 qí​ (their)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

easily 易 yì​ (easy)

its 之 zhī​ (it)

weakness 弱 ruò​ (weak)

it 之 zhī​

captures 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

strong 強 [强] qiáng​

flexible 柔 róu​ (yielding)

it 之 zhī​

captures 勝 [胜] shèng​ (capture)

hard 剛 [刚] gāng​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

none-who 莫 mò​

not 不 bù​

know-about 知 zhī​ (know)

and-none-who 莫 mò​ (none-who)

capable-of 能 néng​

taking-steps-with 行 háng​ (take-steps)

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

says 云 yún​ (say)

receive 受 shòu​

nation 國 [国] guó​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

filth 垢 gòu​

it-is 是 shì​

called 謂 [谓] wèi​

god-of-dirt 社 shè (society)

broom 稷 jì (broom-corn)

master 主 zhǔ​ (owner)

receive 受 shòu​

nation's 國 [国] guó​ (nation)

not 不 bù​

good-luck 祥 xiáng​

it-is 是 shì​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

heaven 天 tiān​

and-below 下 xià​ (below)

king 王 wáng​

upright 正 zhēng​

speech 言 yán​

is-as-if 若 ruò​ (as-if)

reversing 反 fǎn​ (reverse)

第七十九章 Chapter 79  

harmonizing 和 hé​ (harmonize)

great 大 dà​

resentment 怨 yuàn​

surely-must 必 bì​

having 有 yǒu​

remaining 餘 [馀] yú​ (excess)

resentment 怨 yuàn​

making-peace 安 ān​ (peaceful)

able 可 kě​ (able-to)

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

act-for 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

good 善 shàn​

it-is 是 shì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

grasps 執 [执] zhí​ (grasp)

in-left-hand 左 zuǒ​ (left-side)

contract 契 qì​

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

demands 責 [责] zé​ (duty)

on 於 [于] yú​ (with)

person 人 rén​

having 有 yǒu​

virtuous 德 dé​ (virtue)

official 司 sī​

contract 契 qì​

not-having 無 [无] wú​

virtuous 德 dé​ (virtue)

official 司 sī​

carry-out-order 徹 [彻] chè​ (go-through)

heavens 天 tiān​ (heaven)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

favorite-relative 親 [亲] qīn​

always 常 cháng​

along-side 與 [与] yú​

good 善 shàn​

person 人 rén​

第八十章 Chapter 80  

small 小 xiǎo​

nation 國 [国] guó​

lacking 寡 guǎ​

people 民 mín​


cause 使 shǐ​

having 有 yǒu​

ten-men 什 shí​

elder 伯 bà​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

vessel 器 qì​

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

use 用 yòng​


cause 使 shǐ​

people 民 mín​

heavy-about 重 chóng​ (heavy)

death 死 sǐ​ (die)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

far-away 遠 [远] yuǎn​ (distant)

change-residence 徙 xǐ​

although 雖 [虽] suī​

having 有 yǒu​

boat 舟 zhōu​


and-carriage 輿 [舆] yú​ (carriage)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

place 所 suǒ​

ride 乘 chéng​

them 之 zhī​ (it)

although 雖 [虽] suī​

having 有 yǒu​

armor 甲 jiǎ​

and-weapons 兵 bīng​ (weapon)

not-having 無 [无] wú​

place 所 suǒ​

display 陳 [陈] chén​

them 之 zhī​ (it)


cause 使 shǐ​

people 民 mín​

again 復 [复] fù​

tie-knots-on 結 [结] jiē​ (knot)

rope 繩 [绳] shéng​

and 而 ér​ (and-yet)

use 用 yòng​

them 之 zhī​ (it)

sweeten 甘 gān​ (sweet)

their 其 qí​

food 食 shí​

make-delightful 美 měi​ (delight)

their 其 qí​

clothes 服 fú​

make-peaceful 安 ān​ (peaceful)

their 其 qí​

visits 居 jū​ (sit-with)

enjoy 樂 [乐] lè​

their 其 qí​

fellow-commoners 俗 sú​ (commoner)

neighboring 鄰 [邻] lín (neighbor)

nations 國 [国] guó​ (nation)

each-other 相 xiāng​

gaze-at 望 wàng (gaze)

chicken 雞 [鸡] jī​

and-dog 犬 quǎn​ (dog)

's 之 zhī​ (it)

voice 聲 [声] shēng​

each-other 相 xiāng​

hear 聞 [闻] wén​

people 民 mín​

reach-extreme 至 zhì​

old-age 老 lǎo​ (old)

die 死 sǐ​

not 不 bù​

each-other 相 xiāng​

move-forth 往 wǎng

and-back-to 來 [来] lái (return-to)

第八十一章 Chapter 81  

true 信 xìn​

speech 言 yán​

not 不 bù​

delightful 美 měi​ (delight)

delightful 美 měi​ (delight)

speech 言 yán​

not 不 bù​

true 信 xìn​

good 善 shàn​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

argue 辯 [辩] biàn​

argue 辯 [辩] biàn​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

good 善 shàn​

knowing 知 zhī​ (know)

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

extensive 博 bó​

extensive 博 bó​

one-who 者 zhě​

not 不 bù​

knowing 知 zhī​ (know)

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

not 不 bù​

accumulate 積 [积] jī​

already-enough 既 jì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

act-as 為 [为] wéi​

person 人 rén​

oneself 己 jǐ​ (self)

evermore 愈 yù​

having 有 yǒu​

already-enough 既 jì​

so-thereby 以 yǐ​

along-side 與 [与] yú​

person 人 rén​

oneself 己 jǐ​ (self)

evermore 愈 yù​

more 多 duō​

heaven 天 tiān​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

benifiting 利 lì​ (benefit)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

damaging 害 hài​ (damage)

wise 聖 [圣] shèng​

person 人 rén​

's 之 zhī​ (it)

Dao 道 dào​ (Way)

acting-for 為 [为] wéi​ (act-as)

and-yet 而 ér​

not 不 bù​

contending 爭 [争] zhēng​ (contend)